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'Okay, everyone, get in the van!' Said the leader after making sure all luggage needed was in the backspace of the van.

'Who's driving again?' Asked wonwoo.

'Mingyu.' Replied vernon

'I'm sitting in the passenger seat so I can give mingyu directions. Have fun arguing about the space in the back, lol.' Said joshua

'Did you just say "lol" out loud?' Scoffed woozi, earning a few laughs from some members, and an eye role from joshua.

'Somebody make sure to wake me up when we get there!' Shouted dk before hopping in his seat.

'Me too!' Another shout came from Dino as he went to take a second-to-window seat next to seungkwan


'Yah, Dino-ya! Wake up! We're here, "said jeonghan as he was gently shaking the youngests shoulder.

Dino woke up to the voice of the elder calling on him and shaking him to wake up. While he  started stretching while looking around, he asked:

'Is this the right place? We look like we're in a forest in the middle of nowhere.'

'No, I'm sure we're in the right place. joshua said this is our destined location according to the GPS, so stop worrying and help us get everything out'

Dino nodded in obedience and got out of the van to help Jun, who was seen struggling with his luggage.

After they successfully got all equipment out of the van, they split up into two teams, team A consesting mingyu, dk, hoshi, and wonwoo to cook, while the rest got the tent, fire place, and basically everything else ready.

Just as team B finished setting up the place, dinner had been ready and was being set on the table.

After having a delicious meal and enjoying their time together, they agreed on leaving drinking out for tomorrow since everyone was too tired and just wanted to sleep the night away, excluding some members of course like woozi and minghao who were on their phones, seungkwan and vernon who were chatting about whether math was fake or not , and Dino who was just laying down on the ground, lost in his thoughts.

Eventually, even the members who were still awake had gone to sleep. Well except a certain Dino who was too busy admiring the beautiful starry night away from the cities light pollution, the atmosphere was so relaxing that he didn't want to go inside the tent, but at one point he himself had to ' cause his body demanded some sleep just like the rest.

Slipping into the tent and sliding into his sleeping bag, he was just about to sleep when he heard his phone start ringing. Which was odd 'cause of the late hour he assumed it was.

Grabbing his phone and slipping out of the tent as silent as he could to avoid waking up some members like jeonghan, who's a light sleeper, he looked at the ID and saw scoups' name displayed on the screen.

Weird, he just saw scoups asleep right before he exited the tent they were sleeping in.

The phone still rang in his hand. He was zoned out, trying to comprehend as to why scoups was calling? And was Dino really that tired not to even notice that scoups was awake?

Nonetheless, Dino decided to finally answer the call after ringing for the second time. So he held the answer bottun and put the phone on his right ear right after.
Before he could utter any word, though, he heard the other line speaking already,'yah dino-ya! Why aren't you home yet? Are you out drinking with changbin again? We're waiting. It's so late, so come-'.


Dino froze in his spot, letting his hand that was up holding his phone up to his ear fall down due to the force of gravity, not listening to the rest of what the other person on the line had to say.

Why would scoups call saying that they were waiting for him at the dorms? He could swear he just saw everyone asleep in the tent behind-

Where did the tent go??

And as if on cue, cold wind started howling through the forest. Dino was confused, shocked, and most of all, scared. The tent that was once behind him, the van that he supposedly came in, and the members he remembers coming with, all just disappeared after answering that call , as if they vanished into thin air, as if he created the whole scenario in his head and they never were.

He wasn't hallucinating, was he? He wasn't even drunk to begin with! Was that just a silly little prank from joshua and jeonghan? Please be a prank! He didn't know what led to this situation or even if it was really happening. It all happened so fast, like a glitch in the matrix.

And suddenly, after finally accepting that
the situation was actually real, the night became much darker, the forest became much colder, and the way out seemed much scarier.

And at that point Dino had only one thought roaming around his head, he didn't know if it was out of smartness, basic logic, or out of fear, but the only thing his head was telling him, was to run! 

Hellorrrrr! Give me your opinions on the chapter. I'd love to hear them! Also, what do you think is going on? Is Dino even really camping with his members to begin with? Idk man

Anyway, have a nice rest of the week, dear reader! Bye!

camping trip [Dino × SEVENTEEN]Where stories live. Discover now