The big step.

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The pair walked side by side and with their hands laced together, joking about their previous years in their old friend group and reminiscing long forgotten memories.

"Oh my god! Do you remember that story we started writing during Math?"

"The one with Amelia and David?"

The brunette nodded fondly at the memory "Francesca, kamikaze monkeys and her abusive son-of-a-gun dad?"

"Yes! Okay but Floyd's letter after Amelia died from leukaemia was chef's kiss."

Donghyuck flipped his imaginary hair and turned to smile at Renjun "Well, what can I say? I'm just that amazing honey."

"Really, what are you planning to study in uni?"

Donghyuck didn't speak for a bit as he thought. What was he going to do? "Well, I know for a fact that I'm a humanities student. I haven't thought it in detail yet."

Renjun nodded knowingly "I think English literature would suit you."

"Really?" Donghyuck asked the ravenette and the latter nodded firmly, leading them towards the gallery

"Yeah. I mean, I remember you always had a thing for this specific language and your writing is pretty phenomenal. You should pursue it."

Donghyuck smiled shyly "I'll think about it."

The pair eyed the building in front of them and each felt the other squeeze their respective hands within the hold. The plaque read 'Fulminare Gallery'. Both of them wanted to take the first step inside, however they felt stuck on the road.

Renjun was petrified in the simple thought of entering. He really wanted more than anything to drag Donghyuck with him to an unknown route, telling him that the gallery was packed or something along the line of the cheap lie.

Donghyuck was nervous about being exposed to a new and vulnerable side of the man that stood beside him. Yet, he wanted to go inside, look at the paintings, sculptures, imagine their origin story, get lost inside his mind and finally not worry about overthinking everything.

"Why are we still waiting here?" Donghyuck asked and looked at Renjun, whose expression only showed his nervousness "Are you nervous about the exhibition?"

Renjun lowered his head, suddenly feeling guilty for his actions "I am terrified, actually."

"Why? didn't find a name for it, is that it? Because, that's fine. Really-"

"N-no, it's not that." He said, suddenly feeling like a child again, but this time he felt alone and exposed to an unfamiliar environment with no one to help him "Fuck it, let's go." he took the first step and they both went inside

Donghyuck's eyes shone beneath the warm lighting as he took in as much from the scenery as he could. On his right stood a poster for an upcoming open mic poetry night and on his left a poster of a well done painting of Han river with Renjun's name written underneath. He felt his heart warming and fill with proudness for the Chinese adolescent.

He followed him down the corridor and up the stairs, waiting impatiently to see his work finally displayed for the world to see, judge, fall in love, get inspired. Renjun was ready to proudly show himself and his spirit, a curious and enormous wave of questions, sentiment and dedication that he oh so hard tried to tame. It never worked.

The brunette was met with a painting, in which appeared a black notebook, cigarettes, a black pen and tear-stained pages that were written. He reminisced on the night him and the boy had spoken, the tears he tried holding back, the awkward atmosphere between them. That god damn photo that he thought had such a significance. How foolish he had been.

They walked side by side, neither of them spoke. Donghyuck took in the sentiments the paintings emitted, looked back to memories he had of them both, let the inspiration hit him with such great force that he was grateful he went out with the teen. Renjun waited for Donghyuck to hopefully pick up the small details he intentionally left on his creations. He didn't speak, he waited for the other one to address him and ask him anything. Yet, he was glad that the brunette seemed to enjoy his time with him.

Donghyuck's eyes left the captivating depiction of anger and frustration on the last painting and turned to face the older "This...this is amazing Renjun. Thank you for sharing this side of yourself with me."

The teen smiled and laced their fingers together "We still have one more thing to see." he said and guided them in another room

There, people with champagne glasses and professional attire were looking at the additional exhibits on the showroom, yet it seemed as if all of them were exceptionally curious by a particular painting in the very back wall. The collage.

Donghyuck and Renjun managed to squeeze themselves through the crowd to look the best possible look at it. Renjun was sweating profusely as he saw the younger look at it with his eyebrows knitted. And then he understood.

All the flower petals, all the small messages, every brush stroke for his and hair, eyes, beauty marks. It was a portrait.

Of him.

"Renjun, what's this?"

In the end||renhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now