The Strange Man

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                       CHAPTER 5

You arrive at the restaurant. You step out of your car. You open the door to the restaurant and walk inside. The restaurant give off and odd vibe. It seems... Unnatural... Amazook waves to you cheerfully. You sprint over to the table with him.
"Hi!!! I already got you a Dr. Pepper. Is that okay?"
"Yea. I love Dr. Pepper!"
You smile. You have an odd feeling about this place... You look at your surroundings, A couple having dinner together, some friends partying, and a man sitting their, alone. He seemed... to have a very odd aura. You think that was what was giving off the odd vibe. You glance at him out of the corner of your eye. You and Amazook talk for a little while. You keep glancing at the man. You can feel him looking at you.
"Bye, Y/N!!"
He smiles
"Bye, Amazook!"
You smile at him while walking back to your car.

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