Episode 8

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Episode 8


An hour ago...

"Is someone there?" Hanna's voice echoed through the dark corner of the grocery store. The tube leaked water with rhythmic drops that clinked against the pond created on the floor.

She heard groanings once again.


Sauntering, she saw a pale man lying on the dark stained tile, a rotten smell lingered through her nostrils. Despite the unbearable scent, she scurried to the man and kneeled before him to check him.

"There's a wounded survivor here! Let's help him!" She shouted then tapped the man's pale elastic cheek so thin that he looked like a bare skull wrapped in yellowish plastic. "Are you okay, sir? Hang it there. Help will come."

The ragged skinned hand of a man moved, grabbing her shoulder. She thought his groans were whispers that he wanted to tell her something. So she neared her ears to his mouth.

Hajia heard her so she grabbed some medicine then came to the gloomy kitchen part of the grocery. But as soon as she arrived, the man was crawling over Hanna, his mouth savoring her neck.

Her eyes were wide open behind her glasses, her green shirt stained with red. Looking at Hajia, she tried to lift her trembling hands.

"H-Help me–"

Hajia clenched his fist to her anger, thinking the man was dirtying her body. But as soon as she neared them, she noticed the blood dripping through her white skin. Cold shivered down through her spine upon realization.

"W-What is going on–" she dropped a bottle of alcohol, creating a thud that made the man flinched through the sound and looked at her. His jaws were opened with his teeth fountained of saliva. The man stood up without taking his eyes off of her.

He was about to move when his head tweaked, his veins bulged thicker and his skin morphed into gray muscular. His hair fell.


Fear shivered through her spine, dropping her weakened knees on the ground and giving up all the supplies she was carrying, rolled on the floor.

The monster slowly advanced, looking at her as a delicious prey.

"W-Why can't I move my body?" she asked herself, trembling and frozen in fear.

The monster drew near, its mouth gaping wide like a snake, wanting to consume her whole.


"AHH!!!" she shrieked out.

The monster dropped to the floor, a knife was pierced on his head, blood flowed on the tiles like crimson flowers bloomed.

Hajia gasped and quickly lit behind her. The light reflected on a green cold eyes, buried in brown fibers of the hair on forehead–


Enear passed through her as if nothing had happened, picked up the knife jammed into the slimy head, shook it off to splat out the blood and poured alcohol on its blade to disinfect.

"No one should know about this to avoid panic," he said in his monotone voice.

Hajia nodded. Then she looked at Hanna's unconscious body, flesh were teared on her shoulder and neck.

"H-How about her–"

"She would turn like him any time soon."

"How did you kno–" She immediately turned off the light when she heard footsteps. Two men came.

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