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[ (y/n Pov) the song is in the top ]

i had just got back from town and is unpacking in the kitchen When my mom walked in and asked,

да ли вам треба помоћ да распакујете ствари?
(do you need help unpacking the things?)

не мама, можеш ићи на посао не брини
(no mom, you can go to work don't worry)

Then she kisses my forehead and Walks out of the house and on her way to work her night-shift. I finish unpackning and go up to my room to get ready for bed. And after ive changed i start singing while taking of my makeup.

you are the dancing queen, Young and sweet only seventeen. Dancing queen, feel the best from the tambourine, oh yeah.

i sing while taking of my makeup but quickly stoping when i hear a chuckle from behind me. I Quickly turn around and theres my boyfriend camilo admiring me while i sang. 'what are you doing here cami?' I ask walking towards him 'i wanted to see my princess' he says kissing my cheek. 'What do you really want?' I ask not beliveing him one second 'i wanted to cuddle Since i can't fall asleep' he says looking embaressed. I sigh and grab his hand while walking towards my bed. I lay him down then lie down myself while he cuddles close to me. 'Goodnight cami' i mutter 'Goodnight mi amor' he mutters back Before falling asleep.

[thank you so much for the request!! @AnaVitriaAlves105. I chose serbian because half my class speaks it so it was the first language that came to mind😌, others learn and call others including me curse words😭] (words:282)

 I chose serbian because half my class speaks it so it was the first language that came to mind😌, others learn and call others including me curse words😭] (words:282)

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