Chapter 13: Tyson And Percy Hug Amongst Fluffy Murders

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The ocean blasted me upward onto the shore, and I sprinted in the direction of where the scream had come from and then, I saw her. Annabeth was hanging upside down, one ankle being held by a giant Cyclops.

The Cyclops was at least fifteen feet tall, with gnarled hands as big as my entire body. His teeth were a sickly shade of yellow, and he was really fat and overweight. The baby-blue wedding kilt and tuxedo he was wearing were stretched very thin over his belly, almost to the point of tearing. His one eye was milky-yellow. I guessed it was Polyphemus.

"Hah!" yelled Polyphemus, swinging Annabeth's body around. "I got Nobody!"

Fury filled my entire body, and without thinking, I charged the Cyclops.

"Hey! Ugly!" I shouted, unslinging my bow, grabbing an arrow, and notching it. "Over here!"

Polyphemus turned in my direction, and I let the arrow fly. It shot through the air and hit the Cyclops in the eye.

"AUGH!" Polyphemus's hands flew to his face. The good news was that I had distracted the Cyclops. The bad news was that he had let go of Annabeth. She fell fifteen feet onto the rocks by Polyphemus's feet. There was a loud CRACK! as Annabeth's head smacked against the rocks.

"No!" Percy came sprinting out of the cave behind Polyphemus, followed by Grover and Clarisse. "Annabeth!"

He fell to his knees beside her limp body and cradled her head in his arms, tears welling up in his eyes. It struck me at that moment that Percy really cared about Annabeth, maybe even loved her.

"I'll kill you!" Polyphemus shouted, wrenching the arrow out of his and throwing it to the ground. He raised his foot and attempted to stomp me into an Ainsley-pancake. I dove out of the way just in time.

"Gonna have to do better than that, ugly!" I yelled, turning into a mountain lion. I sprung forward and sank my fangs into Polyphemus's foot. He barely flinched.

"Off me, lion!" Polyphemus roared, swinging his foot around. I clung on desperately, but I couldn't hold on forever.

Leave my girl alone!

Agro came barreling out of nowhere, leapt through the air, and latched her jaws onto his leg.

Take this, you one-eye cretin! Zade screeched, dive-bombing the Cyclops and pecking the heck out of one of his ears. Golden ichor started to pour from his wounded ear, but it didn't phase him whatsoever.

Below, Clarisse was dodging Polyphemus's blows and stabbing at him with her spear. She stabbed her spear into the ground, and Polyphemus stepped on it. He wailed in pain, but it only slowed him down for a moment.

"Hiya!" Raiden had arrived. She ran toward Polyphemus, jerked her hand backward, and whacked him with all her strength. As strong as Raiden was, her blow only made Polyphemus stumble back. However, it did allow Agro and I to let go of the Cyclops, retreat backward, and regroup.

What's the plan, Chief? Agro barked.

"Keep attacking," I panted. "We can't keep this up forever. Both of you distract him, while Raiden and I blast him."

Agro and Zade understood; both ran in front of Polyphemus and began pecking and biting at his body. Percy and Clarisse were doing something similar; Clarisse flitted around Polyphemus's feet, dodging his attacks. While Clarisse had Polyphemus distracted, Percy stabbed him repeatedly in the toes. However, I could see both of them beginning to tire, their movements becoming more sluggish; the two of them couldn't keep this up forever.

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