Husker Time-

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I typically never drank but as the same as Husker, I tend to work as a free therapist to whom ever wanted to vent while pouring their hearts out for anyone that cared enough to hear them out.

I sat on one of the stools near the bar counter thing, it was seen it was cleaned a week ago, there was still a mess from that same week, still a bunch of empty bottles and tiny glass pieces that bites your arm every single time you try to relax your arms on as Angel Dust had complained before while I helped him bandage his four (4) arms.

Not as surprising, the bartender isn't there to bartender, Ironic but, probably off to do better things than sit here. Gazing at the many bottles of different varieties is boring for anyone that has a good amount of brain cells.

Charlie is with Vaggie somewhere, Charlie is probably off singing for all hell to hear and Vaggie is most likely chasing her girlfriend like a cat owner who held the door open for way too long and their cat ran out.

Angel Dust has a long "shooting" again with Val mosmoObviously, Last and not least, Alastor is busy doing Alastor's stuff, probably off to do his hunting or taking an average stroll.

Maybe that's the reason I dazed off for while? By a while I mean seven (7) hours, however, who is counting? Me, but, who cares about me-


(Trigger warning: Verbal Abuse? Mentions of hitting. Please skip this small text if you don't want to read this or if it triggers you, but it may come up later.)


Y/n stood next to their brother B/n (Brother Name), He smiled cheerfully or what he hope he smiled like, as he answered questions about the latest cartoon show of the decade.

"So, B/n, who is the artist and or storyboard writter behind the scenes?" One journalist asked as he was tappinghis pen on a run down clipboard that has chips and unknown cuts on, in excitement waiting for B/n to answer.

"Well, from the writing to the drawing only I just have been doing, While Y/n here has been just supporting me," He said with a cocky grin. Winking at every and any female nearby.

Most of the women that were journalists also would blush softly and brush their random strand hairs behind their ears.

"Uh, it's actually me, haha..." Y/N laughed softly. They looked back to see B/n frowning, they quickly stopped laughing and stood still awkwardly.

"May you excuse us? I think I have to talk a little to Y/N. ALONE." He spoke through his teeth still smirking and pretending everything was still okay.

All the journalists nodded, but Y/n wished they hadn't.

He grabbed their wrist and pulled them into the studio where they were alone.

"WHAT THE HELL Y/N!? Did I not tell you to quit talking and let me handle this?" B/n pushed them onto the wall shouting at them.

"I..!" Y/n tried to speak out but they immediately got slapped. They bit their tongue so as not to say more.

He inhaled an exhaled and crossed his arms, "I know you do the tiny bit of work here, unfortunately, I do all the heavy lifting!" He spoke, trying to use a sympathic voice to get a tiny bit of sympathy from them.

All he was saying was false. They did the writing, they did the planning, they did the drawing, they did the selling, they did the buying of this studio!

He clutched his fists into balls and then released them. He sighed as he went to Y/n.

He sighed softly, "I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean to," He was about to continue before Y/n replied, "It's me... I'm sorry..."

He smiled and hugged them stroking their back.

Then he whispered into their ear, "Better not cross that line again, Behave for your safety-"


I jerked back up.

I took heavily some breaths in before looking around if anybody saw that.

Husk did.

"Did I wake you up, kid?" He asked cleaning one of the glasses.

Shaking my head no and waving my hands in defence.

"Nope! You're good," I nervously said, hoping he did not see the split second of fear I had.

He rolled his eyes, "Do you need a drink?" He asked.

"Nah, I don't drink," I mumbled putting my head in my hands.

"Heard that before." He chuckled, he then poured himself some cheap booze into a cup.

I sighed, I was wondering why I got that memory again...

"Need a person to vent? A shoulder to cry on?" He asked still raising one eyebrow.

"I don't think you would be interested to hear me ramble about my brother," I said, looking up at the wall above.

He shrugged, "I can pretend like I always do, Y/n" he already finished his drink in the cup and now was drinking the whole bottle.

I crossed my arms, looking away while a short chuckle left my mouth.

"Uh... B/n, my brother, paid me a little bit of money to work on my cartoon show when it was getting popular, however, he changed... A lot... He shouted at me then the blink of an eye he was bawling his eyes out and apologizing for how deeply sorry he was." I said

"Your brother is... An asshole, Y/N" Husk scoffed while grumbling a tiny bit.

I sighed, "I- I don't know what to think of him as he one day vanished for no reason and I continued my life normally." tone sounding guilty.

"And that's bad or good?" He leaned on the counter.

"I feel... I don't know... I hated his guts but then I had a boss and he acted sweet like shit, and, he helped me and was like a second dad, so that kinda changed for me," I strummed and fidgeted my fingers on the table.

Husker sighed, "I'm probably wrong, but, it sounds like you're in denial. My tip for you, kid, is to accept your brother is a creep" Husker advised me to do.

I nodded softly, actually, thanks to him I feel much better!

"Hey, thanks for that, Husk," I waved and stood up.

"Fuck off" He then flips me off, but it doesn't matter in the end anyhow!


(A/n: Hey, hey! Sorry for this being short, I couldn't think a lot since it's 2:14 Am right now as I type this. The next chapter is going to be about Angel Dust! I'm not planning to write about Nifty or Vaggie because I can't tell what their personalities are enough. And also sorry for beating around the bush! However, I think it's probably good for Y/n to spend time with the others. Uh, cya on the next one seat reader!)

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