The start of a new school.

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I am an orphan and I don't know my parents at all. Madame Maximum was very strict on me. I have asked about my parents in the past and I got smacked.
I was heading to the dorms when I called to Max the terrible office and she had news for me about attending a school called Hogwarts .

I am a weirdo and I have two loving Dads and 4 siblings. Did i mention that i am cursed? A witch named Link put a spell on me to never fall in love. I was just a baby. Im getting ready for 5th year  at Hogwarts and i am happy to see everyone. " Rivvy its time to go!" My Dad shouted from downstairs. " Coming." I yell back.

****time skip to Hogwarts****


I was just sorted into Ravenclaw and I was super nervous about this new school. This girl who had brown hair and green eyes sat with me. She looked a lot older than me. " hello I am River Malfoy " . she said.. I didn't hear what she said after that.. I was in my own world..


This new girl Mia seemed nice.. I tried making small talk but she wasn't listening..

Time skip****


I walked to my first class of the day and sat down in the back.. I heard this red headed guy talking to his friends about some dark lord who was killed many years ago.. " miss. Lancaster pay attention!" Said Snape.. " sorry sir." I whispered..

The new student was very odd and I like odd people. But there was something about her that was different.


I had to work with this girl Mia on our potion and she was very nervous about it.. "I need the tea leaf ." i said. " here sorry I don't do well with others." She mumbles. 

This River Malfoy girl seems strange. " I need the bathroom." I say.. " why are you telling me?" She asked. * im dumb.* i get up and just leave..

Boom everything went black.....

To be continued....
What happened to Mia???
Update soon

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