Soul Cavity

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"Where... am I..?" Mizuki woke up to a blank canvas, a world, a realm with no hint of shape or dimension. She looked around to see nothing but white. Filling the space in between her and the horizon, if any, are unicolored spores of different intensity and opacity. They float, almost suspended midair, very subtly moving in the vacuum of white. A scenery of suspended snowfall in every color but white scattered about in the vast emptiness.
"Welcome, to the Soul Cavity or as people like to call it 'inside the heart', or as you Joushion would call it, Rei Kan." The boy greets her. "I'm..." a brief pause in his introduction, hesitant almost " ..Daisuke. Kishimoto Daisuke" a smile surfaces as he finished introducing himself. He seems like he was waiting for some reaction looking her way. She could not come up with a proper response. The situation was too bizzare, she has questions, too many to even know where to start. Hesitantly "Umm, yes.. I am-" she almost followed his pace but then cut herself "NO! who the hell introduces themselves like that?! put on some clothes first!" The first question among many that managed to surface from her jumbled and confused mind. Among all the crazy thing that is going on right now, this seems to be her priority. But of course she could not talk to him seriously if she keeps getting distracted by his exposed appearance. "What do you mean?" he grins "If we're talking about clothing..." he points towards her "shouldn't you be more concerned about yourself?" he bounces the question back to her "even calling you naked would be an understatement right now" directing her attention towards her current state. Mizuki gasped, she looked around herself. Where her arms was once were, the position of her legs, her torso, her whole body. It is still blurry in her mind but now that she's actually paying attention to them, her own illusion shatters. There were no body. What was once a maiden's tiny hand now replaced with a mass of arbitrarily coloured mists and smokes. They are shaped almost like her former limb but it would be farfetched to even see them as one. So is the case with the rest of her body. Her lower torso, her hips, her neck, her feet. They are gone. The absence of it all almost throw her into a vertigo as she lose all kinaesthetic senses.

She desperately pulled her supposed limbs closer to her face, but it only makes the obvious all the more painful. "THEY'RE GONE!!!" she finally acknowledged them, though maybe forced to by her senses. "HOW??" her brains chaotically tries to make sense of what is happening "How can this be-?! the last thing I remember, is...I-" she scrambled for prior information for how it turned out this way "I.. got.. stabbed.." that traumatic memories finally registers back in her mind "does... if so then.. am I.." as the chains of information lined up, she can reach a conclusion, but accepting that conclusion is a lot heavier than simply and reaching it. She is now a talking humanoid shaped blobs of energy. "is this what..?" her non existing eyes teared up "..death is.." she started to cry "but that's just.." her reality starts to hit her "there's still... much more I.. have yet to-" she can't even finish her sentence "much more...I-" "*sigh* there's no stopping her now. Well I'll give her some time" Daisuke muttered as Mizuki cried her heart out.

He sits there with her, observing the state of the Soul Cavity while waiting for her to express her emotions.

After she have wailed and cried her heart out for about an hour thinking she was dead he approached her to explain "you're not dead. But you will be if you don't control your SP now" Mizuki in her tears "SP?" reasonably puzzled. Daisuke explains "Spiritual Properties, basically your soul or life energy for a lack of better words. I'm not gonna go through this too deep for now, we'll just have you maintain your own spiritual gate since this is your first time manifesting into an SP form, which is yesterday" Mizuki remembers "Yesterday? ..You?! you're the boy who stabbed me!" unable to retort to that he tried to distract her "like I said, I'm here to help you control your SP. And your body's fine!" Mizuki suspects "why should I trust you?! trusting you is how I got attacked yesterday.. by you!!" He responded "But if you think about it, because I'm the one who brought you here, I should know a way out too, right?" She's confused "that doesn't make you any less suspicious, in fact just the opposite!!" he sighed "well I would explain everything but you don't have much time, for now I'll just briefly-" but she protested "No I'm listening. explain everything" to which he just pointed behind her.

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