Fell Into The Depths.

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HEYYY. Finally a story that isn't KiriBaku 😱. Anyways, the characters in this story, I have created. Please don't use them for your own stories unless you ask/credit me. This story isn't entirely written by me. I'm going through and editing certain things. A majority of the ideas are mine, but my friend is writing it all. Some of the ideas are my friends, some are also mine but mixed up in a different way. The art for the cover pictures of some chapters are from me and my other friend, so please don't take them and post them elsewhere without me knowing. I'd really appreciate mine and my friends art to not be copied or stolen. ANYWAY ENJOY THE STORY!

Anything in bold, is their thoughts.
Anything in italics is them speaking.
And the rest is self explanatory

It was a normal day in heaven. Nothing too special, staying up in the clouds with the castle. It gets lonely mostly but I have my guards. Who am I to say that. Their faces are cold as stone. I exit my room and walked out, my wings shuffle and a few feathers fell like usual. I walk by my guards and maids with a soft smile. As soon as I exited the castle doors it oddly felt warm. Which is unusual, it's mostly a nice flowing cool breeze. I shrugged and didn't mind it. I stroll throughout heaven. It's a beautiful sight. Sun shining, clear blue skies. As I admired around one step and I fumbled. A gaping hole opened and I fell through. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel the temperature getting hotter and hotter. 'No.. It can't be..' I thought to myself..


In Hell demons roam around with no care at all. Some with families, Some without. that would also Include me. Rowan. Yes I roam the pits of hell, For all I can say it's hot as shit. As I was in mid thought, something crashed down. "what the fuck..?" I mumbled. my eyes widened from the sight of this.. this angel that beholds my eyes. My wings rise into position out of surprise. He could be harmful. The more I look at him I can see that he doesn't seem as threatening. I lower my wings, their leather texture rustle as I lay them lower. I can see that the angel was looking around my 'kingdom' or..hell. His shining blue eyes take sight. It felt weird to see an angel in hell. I study this creature and its features. His wings looked soft, he had a small gold halo as well. From what I've studied back as a young demon, angels with gold halos are royal. 'He must be a prince', I thought to myself. This prince most likely landed on his butt when he fell. His white clothes had a red tint from the dirt. The clothes that they wear look so revealing. And they wear a bunch.. of gold jewelry. It's crazy. But I'm not saying it looks terrible.. just strange.


I fell and landed on my butt, the dirt was red, almost bloody looking. I looked around the firey, red place. 'Oh my days. I'm in hell.' I look up and see this demon, and let me tell you he was very. tall. He looked threatened by me. I didn't move an inch. My wings ruffle, shaking out the dirt. "oh.. Sorry for disturbing you sir." I utter. Anything I do or say could get me beat up. The demon cocks his head to the left looking at me like I'm crazy, he raised an eyebrow. I moved my hand behind my back and bowed. "As you see.. I didn't mean to intrude on your territory. I sort of fell." I stood back up straight and tucked my wings behind me. This demon chuckled in a tone, dark almost. He seemed amused by me. I tucked my tail in between my legs and moved my ears back. He looked at me and my features, sure others might think I look interesting, but I think I look normal. At least that's what my mother thinks. I sigh and looked back up hoping I could just fly up and leave. I felt hot and sticky. The demon circled me looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "so you're an angel?" he asked, I then nodded at his obvious question. His face has a cold stern look. Hard to forget. I move the palm of my hand over to adjust my sitting. I felt something crunch under my hand. I looked over and I saw the bones of an animal. with rotting skin still attached to it. It seemed freshly killed. I had a face of disgust and moved my hand away quickly wiping it off. The devil cracked a smirk and I looked away. I stood up and scanned the sky, spotting the hole I fell from. I try to plan how to leave. I looked over and saw guards. They had weapons. Jeez this might be harder than I thought. When the devil finally stops circling me I try to fly up, someone shot a weapon but luckily missed. I kept going. I then felt a sharp pain in my wing, noticing I was shot. I felt more hitting my wings. Painfully I started to tremble and crash into the ground. My eyes started to close as I heard that menace of a voice...


I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. My wings are patched up, they still hurt but I guess it hurts less than before. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer. I rubbed my eyes and saw a demon enter. Not the one I saw before. He held a spear under my chin and pressed it sharply against my skin, cutting it, blood trickled down my neck as he says to me, "why are you here, angel? don't you belong in heaven?" He spat with anger. I stayed quiet before he asked "what's your name?" He got annoyed quickly and raised his voice. "Speak for fucks sake!" Before he almost jabbed me in the throat with the spear. The glint in his eyes changed, his facial expression as well, like his blood ran cold. Someone then walked behind him, fear in his eyes. The Devil whispered into his ear. "you hurt him and you're dead. We don't want the royals from above to get bitchy." He let go of the other individual, The other walked out quickly. The devil gave me a cold look. "well? what is your name? I can't just keep calling you angel." I was nervous to speak. but I mumbled "Nico.." moving back slightly. "Nice to know, Nico. I'm Rowan." He speaks as I get distracted realizing how tall he is. Taller than me...by atleast a whole foot. As he talks, he blabs about how I can't leave until I do certain tasks. Gosh I will never get out of here. I'll be older than time itself. I sighed as he spoke to me. After all that, he tosses me some clothes to change into. He leaves the room for a minute so I can change into these clothes, once he left the room I spotted a window, deciding to try to escape. As I grabbed hold of the window I felt a sharp pain around my neck, stopping my movements and groaning in pain. "holy-" I looked at my reflection and see a smokey, black chain around my neck. 'Gosh it hurts.' I sit back down onto the floor holding my neck, trying to ease the pain. Rowan stepped back into the room to check up on me. He saw the chain around the neck. "I see you found the chain." he says and smirks. "turn it off..! please.! Holy- it hurts.." I say in pain aching for it to turn off. Rowan snaps his fingers and it turns off. I breathe out and lean my head back feeling my neck. "That's happens when you try to escape from here without doing what you're told. Understood?"  Rowan says to me as I nod and took the clothes putting on the black t-shirt that he gave me and the sweats as well.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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