What You See

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For that whole morning each kid from Ares' cabin ignored my presence and talked amongst themselves. Clarisse stayed quiet the whole time her gaze was different. She looked at me differently and that was what I was terrified of. I heard running footsteps towards me and before I could turn around I felt arms wrap around me. "I'm so sorry that I missed it!" I heard Lorelei's voice in panic as I hugged her back, finding extreme comfort in her warmth.

"It's fine. I'm glad you weren't you should've seen and heard what they all said and how they looked at me. It was suffocating to see their fear as I walked past." I sighed and shrugged as we both pulled away. She sighed, grabbing both of my hands. "I heard about it in my cabin. I'm so sorry." She frowned as I nodded, pulling my hands away. "Go with your sibling." She turned around and saw some of them behind the trees peaking and once I started at them they moved out of the way running off. "You sure? You seem off, Lelaini.." I put on a fake smile and pat her shoulder. "I'm fineee." She sighed and quickly gave me one last hug before running off. I turned back around and saw some kids were already inside the cabin.

Some stood outside with their arms crossed staring at Lorelei run off. I took a deep breath walking in hesitantly and once I walked in I noticed the red colored decorations, the weapons on the wall and floor with barely any room for walking, and the small pathway from the door to the beds. "Welcome home." One of them was sarcastic which I ignored. They all grabbed their weapons putting some armor on. "We're gonna train." One of them mumbled before walking out of the cabin with the rest of the kids.

I walked to an empty space which was dark with no sun coming in through any window. I sat at the corner holding onto my knees. My mother, Nyx goddess of darkness and shadows chose me at the wrong time. If I knew this would happen I would've never wished that one day I would get picked because now I wish I could've let that awful monster crush me under her foot just like she did in my dreams. I could feel the overwhelming feeling as I hugged my knees sniffling slightly. Some kids would tell me "I hope that you get chosen in my cabin when the time comes!" and now those same kids are terrified of me and want nothing to do with me. Those kids were Apollo which is ironic since we're both complete opposites.

I got up walking out of the cabin and found myself on the steps of Athena cabin. I knocked on the door and after a few seconds the door opened. Crystal stood there and quickly walked out of the way calling for Annabeth. Annabeth walked to the door and looked over at me. "A book is what you want?" Her voice with an irritated tone. I nodded and she moved to the side as I walked in. She walked to the bookshelves that covered almost all of the cabins. "A Nyx-" Before I could finish my sentence she interrupted me midway. "I know what you're here for." I closed my mouth and she looked through every shelf and finally sighed pulling one out.

It was hidden between every book almost like it didn't wanna be found. It had a dark cover and once it fell into my hands it felt like an electric shock. "I'll return it back in a bit." She nodded and I walked out of the cabin going back to Ares cabin. I sat in the same corner I once sat in while opening the book. I spent my whole day reading that book. I didn't move from that spot feeling at home in the darkness. I found out why Zeus was so afraid of her. Her mystic powers include telekinesis, regeneration, invulnerability, manipulation, and superhuman strength. I wondered how alike we were. I sat in the shadows in silence as each kid from this cabin walked in.

"Hey where'd Laylah go?" One of them asked and I got up confused. I walked out of the dark corner and they instantly looked at me confused. They didn't say anything, just stared in complete confusion.
I turned around and finally realized why they stared at the corner of the room in such confusion. The corner I once sat in was completely in darkness. The light bulb above my head was cracked and the wire for the object was on the wooden ground broken in half, the book about my mother was on the ground but it was only in my view, and my bag of things was in an orb of shadows. I didn't realize that I caused that or at least I refused to believe I was the one who did that.

I sighed with fear running through my veins "I'm gonna go ahead and leave." I grabbed my mother's book quickly leaving the cabin. I walked into the forest sitting down my back leaning on a tree. I looked through all the pages, each being different from the last.
I read that whole book which I spent practically the whole day on. I didn't move from that spot until I heard a couple of footsteps. I quickly got up shoving the book in a bush. I turn around to be faced with a new blonde headed face and Annabth.

"Finished the book?" I nodded, handing her the book. She took off the leaves from the cover and nodded. "New camper?" I look over at the boy and he looks over at Annabeth almost as if he's waiting for her to introduce him. She gave him a shrug and turned around to walk away and he sighed. "Percy Jackson and you?" I grew anxious at the ask for my name. I didn't wanna tell him my name. I could lie.. That'll do no harm just a simple name. But then again I couldn't lie to the poor kid. "Laylah Selene." His eyes widened and I instantly grew terrified. My name was enough for him to take a quick step back. "You've heard about me?" He nodded silently and I hummed, nodding it off. I pointed to Annabeth who was already far away from us and he sighed quickly running after her. I let out a big deep breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I quickly walked out of the forest and I caught myself walking towards Hermes cabin. I quickly snapped out of it when the door was practically slammed shut. I sighed walking off to Ares cabin. I walked into the door being met with a bunch of deadly stares. I looked down walking to my corner which was now filled with a literal bed. The mattress was decorated with purple and black and the light bulb was hanging against the wall. I turned back towards them and they shook their heads, obviously it wasn't them. I touched the blankets and they were warm and they smelt a soft veil of smokey herbaceous lavender and jasmine suffused with light citrus top notes resting on a bed of sandalwood and golden amber. I was instantly reminded of my mother. Page 34 talked about her scent and looks. This is what my mother supposably smells like.

Was this my mothers doing? Or was this some camper. I quickly realized it was my mother by the small ring shaped in a waning crescent moon sitting on the pillow of my bed. It was a simple yet comforting look. I sat down swinging my legs as I observed the ring. I put it on and it fit perfectly. I finally looked up and was met with all the eyes of each Ares cabin. They all looked as if they wanted to say something but their mouths were completely shut and their natural glares terrified me. I stayed silent which made it worse.

The silence from each kid was loud, it was unbelievable. "You missed the announcement. At dinner today." One of them spoke up and received glares thrown at him as if it was a secret plan unable to be spoken about. I looked at the confused boy "What announcement?" I heard a familiar sigh and an even more familiar voice "Capture The Flag. It's in a few days and you are officially in our team." I muttered an "Oh" as Clarisse told me the announcement I missed.


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