1 - The Beginning

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ᴊᴀɴ 27ᴛʜ 2019.

That was the day Mark's live changed forever. You'd think he'd be lying but no one was ever able to make him as happy as Hyuck could, no one.

It was a pretty gloomy day today... Mark thought to himself.
He's never been more down than today. Maybe it was the sky being gray or perhaps the frowns that washed everyone's faces when they stepped into school today. Whatever reason it was it made him hate being at school even more. It was rainy, gloomy, and most definitely boring, also adding that today is a Monday, he doesn't know why but that makes it so much more worse. He was sure it was going to rain today so he made sure to take an umbrella when he made his way out the door today. Mark isn't lonely or friendless but just likes to be alone and focus on himself, which is always better than being caught in drama mark thought to himself.

See, mark himself never considered himself to be the type of drama type guy, he preferred to sit and do his own thing, but if he's actually somewhat interested he'll take a glance or two. Even though, he couldn't risk getting in trouble. He already makes enough trouble as is. As mark was daydreaming he heard the bell rings which waked him back to his senses.

Shit! I must've day dreamt again.. But can you blame me? Who'd be into learning and actually putting effort into being productive in such a gloomy day. I'd rather clean at home than be at school, but here I am. I don't hate school but it always makes me think, who made school, where are they? I need to have a little talk with them... Peacefully, of course!

As I was walking out the hallway I stopped in my tracks when I saw two boys running in the hallway, after each other? It didn't seem knew to me but the fact they're so energetic on such a day like this makes me wonder how they are on a daily basis.

As I was walking down the hallway I suddenly got tapped on my shoulder by the tall Senior at our school.

'Johnny Suh'

"MARKKK, WHAT'S UP," the older said loudly screaming in his ear.

"Oh my gosh, Johnny! Is it really ever that serious," I said in a surprised tone. Johnny's known for being a loud introvert and being buddy buddy with almost the whole school but he really does make you question your whole existence when he's by. Even though, on days like this it is nice to see some people trying to lift the mood.

"So... What ya up to?" Johnny said while raising an eyebrow. I really did not have time to deal with his silliness today, I am sleep deprived, depressed, and bored. With life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like this every day but today just feels like a day where I want to disappear and never come back. Even though I still had the courage to respond to the older, "Being gloomy and sad, what about you?" I obviously sounded somewhat annoyed and sarcastic when I said that which is why Johnny gave me the look of, 'Fine I'll just leave you alone, not my problem.'

But Genuinely I hated everything about rainy days. I don't know how others find it calming and soothing. The moment I step into a place where I feel bored instantly while itls gloomy outside my whole life feels likes it's getting thrown away, I hate it. If only there was someone to take away that feeling. THAT WASN'T ANNOYING, like echm, Johnny over here...

As Mark and Johnny walked down the hallway to their next classed they heard a big thunderstorm forming. It scared the shit out of them, according to mark the thunderstorm was so loud and big that even he got scared, which is new.

As they reached class and sat in their seats Mark looked out the window to see lightning and loud rain hitting the ground and . It didn't feel calming at all, he hated the feeling. Maybe it was because it made him feel more empty because of how dead everything look, what ever being the reason Mark just wished he could go home safely without any distractions.

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