𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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a/n: a sleepless night with nat. at all the people who are used to air conditioning being a common thing: pls just pretend it's not 🙏

also this is so short & kinda trash, but the other ones that i'm currently writing are far from being finished yet so this'll have to do lol

You love the summer — you always have.

There's nothing quite like swimming in the ocean, eating ice cream when it's getting dark, sitting outside and talking to your best friends for hours. Sunny days, quiet nights and a feeling that can't be replaced. You love all of it — except for one thing.

At night, when it's been hot all day, your room gets heated up like an oven. The air's warm and humid, your baby hairs are sticking to your skin and you feel like a sweaty mess. It's horrible, absolutely disgusting and tends to get so bad that you can't even fall asleep.

Like tonight, for example.

You're lying on your back, staring at the ceiling. Natasha, your girlfriend, is next to you, tossing and turning as she tries to find a position that's comfortable enough to sleep in. She sighs quietly as she turns around to face you again, then she buries her face against your neck and puts her arm over your stomach. You can feel her warm breath on your skin, the warmth emitting from her definitely not helping your overheating self.

"Nat", you mumble. "The heat is unbearable enough already."

"Shut up, I can't fall asleep." She inches even closer, her body pressed against yours.

"Yeah, neither can I." You glance at her, seeing her messy red hair and her tired eyes. Absolutely endearing. You put your hand on her cheek, smiling.

"I hate the summer", she mutters, closing her eyes at your touch. "I don't understand why you like it."

"Right now, I don't understand either." You tap her nose with your index finger, making her smile. "Let's just get up and do something else. We're not falling asleep anyway, and staying in bed won't help much."

Natasha looks at you again, her eyes staring into yours. It takes her a few seconds, but then the corners of her lips curl into a soft smile. "Any ideas?"

"Nothing big. Go downstairs, raid the kitchen", you say quietly, then you grin. "Wanda made cookies."

"The ones with walnuts?", she wants you to clarify. Her favorite kind.

"Yes, those."

She sits up, trying to fix her hair by running her hand through it a few times. "Okay, yes."

You get out of bed, only wearing shorts and tank tops. Natasha takes your hand and pulls you with her, leading you through the dark hallway and down the stairs.

The kitchen is empty and completely dark when you arrive. The smell of cookies, fresh bread and oranges is lingering in the air, a remnant of the evening you spent here with the others. You ease as you enter the room — for some reason, it's a lot cooler in here.

You switch on one of the small lights, then you go behind the kitchen counter.

"Milk?", you ask, grabbing two glasses.

"Yes." She sits down on the counter, watching you fill the glasses with milk. You pass her one, then you open the cookie jar and let her take one. "Thanks."

You nod, biting into one of the cookies. Wanda's basically a professional baker at this point, so you're not even surprised at how good they are. "It's much more peaceful down here when everyone else is asleep."

"Yes. We should just avoid the kitchen during the day and only come down here at night." Natasha puts her milk aside, smiling at you. Then she leans in and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear, her eyes getting stuck on your lips for a few seconds. Your breath hitches in your throat — fascinating, how even eight months into the relationship she still has this kind of effect on you.

Your girlfriend notices how flustered you suddenly are, so she takes advantage of that and closes the gap between you, gently pressing her lips on yours. You gasp quietly, your hands immediately finding their way to her waist as you move to stand between her legs.

Natasha runs her hands into your hair, lightly tugging at its roots as you slip your hands underneath her top. Her skin, smooth under your palms, feels heated. Her legs wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you even closer until your body is flush with hers.

Your cheeks are of a soft pink now. You move your hands down to her thighs, your thumbs caressing her skin as Natasha deepens the kiss. Her tongue traces your bottom lip before slowly sliding into your mouth, your breaths mixing. Your nose brushes against hers, and you can feel her thighs around your waist tighten their hold on you.

In this dim light, everything feels much more intense and intimate. The sensations appear unreal, as if you're having a fever dream.

The way her fingertips trace your face, inspecting every detail. How she tastes — cookies, mixed with the coconut lip balm she applied before going to bed. The feeling of her legs pulling you towards her subconsciously, as if she doesn't realize that she wants you closer and closer, even if you're already pressed up against her.

When you let go, you rest your forehead against Natasha's. She runs her finger along your jaw and down your neck, resting it on your shoulder.

"We should go back to bed", you whisper, out of breath.

"No", she replies and kisses your lips once more. "I'm not tired yet."

"Really?" You nod and lower your fingers to her stomach, which you start tickling gently. She giggles quietly, the sound of her voice making you fall in love over and over again. You keep brushing your fingertips over her skin in hopes to hear more of her laugh, and you succeed. The sweetest sound fills your ears, making you smile like an idiot.

Natasha finally grabs your wrists and removes your hands from her stomach. "Enough", she says, smiling. "You'll wake up the entire compound."

"If only I cared", you say, resting your hands next to her on the surface of the counters. Natasha watches you with a soft smile. "We should still go to bed. We have a meeting tomorrow morning."

"We could skip it."

"We skipped the last one, Nat." You kiss her cheek. "I'm still feeling a bit warm, though. Cold shower, then we sleep?"

She tilts her head, thinking about it. "Okay, okay. I'll accept it."

You smile and take her hand before going to the bathroom.

After all of this, you're able to fall asleep just fine — even when Natasha presses her heated skin against yours again in a sleepy seek for your embrace.

. . .

a/n: so excited for 'the tortured poets department' oh my god!!!!

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