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It had came the day that the ADA would act on their own accord, without their president, Fukuzawa's approval. After all, that man with morals will never allow them to proceed with their plan.

That was what Dazai said. So, he managed to persuade Atsushi to join him in his amazing plan which is to...sneak into the port mafia. That sounds lame, cliché and all but the brunette found it troublesome to try to hack the mafia's impossibly protected software and get the needed information.

The brunette, being the lazy and laid back detective he was had decided to go to the easy route. Sneak into the port mafia since he knew where all the secret entrances were, some even Mori didn't know himself, which means obviously the guard won't either.

The white haired teenager was clueless the whole time, just obediently following his mentor's path and doing whatever Dazai told him too. Atsushi was oblivious and naive and Dazai was taking advantage of that.

With that, they had successfully sneaked into the port mafia's hidden in the underground pathways and were currently in the boss's office. A fortunate thing was that Mori was on a abroad mission in the USA. 

So, Dazai had all the time in the world to try to guess that old man's laptop password. Though the raven haired was smart, he wasn't the best at password picking, most probably making the most simple password in the internet which could easily be intercepted or guessed.

The raven haired has obviously consulted Dazai in password making when he was still in the mafia and it was a endless suffering for the brunette. However, he knew Mori had changed his password with the help with his new right hand man when the brunette left so he would have to guess the password all over again.


He came ready before hand.

Atsushi was anxiously glancing throughout the office, glancing back at his mentor who was comfortably slouching on the chair and logging in to the laptop with all the necessary information.

Dazai hummed in a accomplishment when the home screen of Mori's laptop appeared on the screen along with a tacky wallpaper of what Dazai assumed as one of Elise's scribbles that were concerning for a child surpassingly her age.

The white haired stared in awe, "How did you know the password?"

The brunette shrugged, "I guessed. That old man isn't that good in passwords after all."

Atsushi chuckled awkwardly, hearing the brunette insult the literal port mafia boss openly.

"Well, you can go Atsushi-kun. I can handle the rest. Take the same route as you came."

The white haired seemed hesitant but upon noticing his mentor's sly smile, he nodded and left hastily. With that, Dazai did quick work with transferring the needed information from the computer to the safe drive he brought. Upon hearing the very soft click, he knew Atsushi had left through the underground bunker already.

As on cue, the office door clicked open. He had locked the door but it seems someone had picked the lock. However, the brunette did not make any attempt to hide or leave, he simply sat on the chair, calmly waiting for all the files to transfer to the flash drive.

Within seconds, the door swung open quickly, a red light illuminating the door before it slammed onto the wall.

The brunette smiled widely, "Chibi! Fancy seeing you here."

The ginger entered, closing the door and locking it again, "Picking that lock was a pain. Boss made it like that so that it can't be picked easily."

"I guess my dog learned that amazing skill from me."

The ginger scoffed, making no move to stop what the brunette was about doing, nor attacking him. He merely asked, "You got into the laptop." He commented the obvious as the brunette rolled his eyes, "I did. So?"

Dazai gestured for the other to approach which the ginger did. Chuuya's face was stoic and cold. He was however, hiding a proud smirk.


"Ah....ngh. C-chuuya...."

The ginger ignored the brunette's umpteenth time of calling him. He merely blabbered, "Just a while more."

The brunette moaned as he was getting rammed into the carpeted floor. Yes, this was the consequences he had to endure.

"Pu-pull out, y-you ass." the brunette stuttered as Chuuya merely hummed.

The ginger, being Mori's right hand man, had planned the password together and Mori had taken Chuuya's loyalty for granted. He had thought the ginger will tell no one. However, the right hand man had a soft spot, which was for Dazai.

"Can't you give me the password?" The brunette whined, clinging onto the ginger's arm affectionately.

The ginger, too experienced to be affected by Dazai's puppy doe like eyes and sudden clinginess said like he had many times before, "No."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top."

"No. I won't be telling you the password."

The brunette pouted before a wicked thought appeared in his mind.

"Even if I do anything?"

"Depends on what is anything but still no."

The brunette smirked, standing up abruptly and leaning on the other who was sitting, whispering into the other's ear softly. 

"I'll let you fuck me for as long as you want in Mori-san's office if you tell me the password."

The ginger's eyes diluted as he yanked his head away from the other who was only smiling innocently.

Damn bastard with his manipulating tricks. He wasn't falling for that.

"No way."

The brunette seemed surprised as he smiled, before continuing, he really needed that password and he'll make sacrifices if needed, "Afterwards too."

Oh, that was tempting. Despite that, the ginger's will was still strong. "No."

The brunette sighed thoughtfully, voice seductive and hot against the other's ear, "I'll let you ram into me with that thick, fat cock of yours...for a week."


"A week you said." The ginger chuckled, constantly pounding into the other at a merciless pace.

"I was j-joking..." The brunette squealed.

"Well, I wasn't." Chuuya pinned the other's arm onto the floor firmly as he continuously thrusted into the other's hypersensitive prostrate. 

"Fuck, Chuuya!" The brunette exclaimed. He was starting to regret his decision of convincing the other this way.

The ginger hummed in content when he emptied his seed into the other who moaned and whimpered pitifully. He has been going at his for a few hours already. It was starting to get late. He didn't want to waste the precious week Dazai had generously gave him after all.

He pulled out, pulling his pants back up as he smirked before walking over to the table to sneakily grab the flash drive which had transferred all he files over already without the brunette seeing as he stuffed it in his pocket.

"Take a week off, I'll do the same." With that, the ginger left. 

The brunette groaned in pain, he knew what that meant. He may have to ask for a month off in that case.

Dazai moaned as he felt the cum ooze out of his hole. Chuuya did say he'll take care of cleaning up the office. His shaky hand reached for his pants which was thrown somewhere above him after the ginger had frantically stripped him. He fished out his phone and read the worried messages from Atsushi before opening his file to see all the needed information in it.

The ginger was still naive as ever, taking away the flash drive, assuming he didn't save it somewhere else.

He was definitely not looking forward for the week.

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