End Game-6

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Clint's quantum suit activates and he shrinks back to the present day, soon joined by the others returning from their journeys. Cut to the Avengers HQ and the Quantum platform everyone looks around to see all the recovered stones.

No one celebrated.

The Time Heist cost is too much

Bruce Banner: Did we get them all?

Rhodey: You telling me this actually worked?

There's a pause as everyone starts to realize that someone is missing.

Bruce Banner: Clint, where's Nat?

Samaira Peverell: No no no Clint please tell me where is nat

The silence from Clint tells them all they need to know. The mission was completed but at a dire cost. Sadness overtakes everyone. Bruce falls to his knees and pounds the floor in grief.

They heard a pop, and all turned to see Harry Potter and Morgana Stark

Harry looks around for Natasha

Harry Potter: Where is Mom? Auntie Mira, where is mom?

Samaira look at him crying

Harry Potter looked at her in anguish 

Harry Potter: No, no, you guys tell me where she is? She is hiding, right? Mom come out your son is here

All the mothers seeing this have tears in their eyes

It's the denial he is 

all are just looking at that with a sad smile

Samaira Stark: Harry beta (son) Natasha has left us she left us

Harry just shouted in anguish as Samaira hugged him along with Tony and Morgana

Cut to outside HQ. lakeside,

Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, and Bruce along with Samaira are mourning their fallen teammate and friends

TONY STARK: Do we know if she had family?

Steve Rogers: Yeah us

Samaira Peverell: she has her parents and little sister in know them I will inform them soon

Tony and Steve nod at that

Steve said " If we knew your family we would have told them nat"

Natasha nods in understanding

Thor: What?

Tony Stark: I just asked him a question-

Thor: Yeah, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have stones, right? As long as we have the stones, Cap we bring her back, Isn't that right? So stop this shit. We're the Avengers get it together

Samaira Stark: We can't get her back buddy i felt her presence in the realm of death

Thor: Maybe it's a fluke

Clint Barton: We can't get her back

Thor: Wha- What?

Clint Barton: It can't be undone. It can't

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