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I kept his words like an oath the entire day.

Separating from Miche felt like being pushed out of a mother bird's nest as a wingless chick, forced to fend for my own survival.

But I kept reassuring myself it was just one more step

Upon reaching the site, I could spot my sister's bright hair stand out from the crowd, one arm fully out to wave while the other hand cupped the side of her mouth as though it would make her voice louder.

I pushed down the guilt I have always felt towards her.

Guilt for loving the man she claims to love, guilt for choosing a path she would clearly disapprove, and guilt for choosing a risky regiment without even telling her.

But I kept telling myself I would stop trying to live as though I wasn't deserving of my own role in this thing called life. I was tired of living for others, making decisions purely out of their interest, and forever neglecting my own.

I promised I would change.

But is this really where change is limited to?

I tried not to indulge in how the corner of my eyes stung and how painful it was to suddenly breathe through my nose. I tried not to think like Miche told me to do as I watched Marie take Erwin's wrist and lead him beyond the buildings and through the crowd.

I tried not to think at all and kept my eyes trained forward.

"He'll be back."

I tilted my head slightly as I met dark colored eyes that stared at the road in front of us, eyes just as hard.

I hung my head low, ignoring how my chest clenched tightly as I addressed Nile.

"She will be."

I found myself and other soldiers gathered in a very specific spot with dimly lit torches under the darkness of the night

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I found myself and other soldiers gathered in a very specific spot with dimly lit torches under the darkness of the night.

My thoughts occasionally drifted away towards Erwin and how Marie had pulled him aside this afternoon, and I haven't seen him since then.

✓ bizarre love triangle ; erwin smithWhere stories live. Discover now