Chapter 16

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Ayaan Fadel.

Maroudi, Nigeria.

"What are you doing?" Saif questioned, trailing behind me with quickened steps in an attempt to catch up to me.

I blinked, blowing out a small, barely visible sigh. "Setting a trap." I reached my hand out to remove the buttons of the suit I have on. From the corner of my eyes, flashes came as the press insistently snapped pictures and videos, following the end of my press conference.

The loud murmurs from them still followed even after leaving the conference room of BlackAce—a simple favor granted to me by a business friend, Sultan Hakeem. I could've held the conference at Galaxy Hotel, but I meant it when I said the last thing I needed was for the press to know where I live.

People are still yet to know I've acquired the building, and I'd rather keep it along with my residence a secret for now.

Besides, BlackAce seems like the perfect place for this. Everything always happens here, and I'm certain Zainab Shamaki makes a ton from it. It's a good thing I get along with both her and her husband...making allies is necessary in the business world.

I could feel Saif's disapproving look on me, clearly wanting to say more about my sudden decision, but he didn't get the chance to do so as we stepped out of the building, and were swamped by a crowd of reporters again.

My guards hastily assembled themselves around me, following Saif's led as they circled me, making sure the reporters get nowhere near. It was hard to keep them at bay, since they are as persistent as they come but my people did just that.

Unfortunately, they weren't able to stop the flashes that threatened to blind me, but I didn't care. I've been in this position countless times that I'm used to it. There was a time in my life that this would've given me a panic attack, but I learned to get accustomed to it the hard way.

The thought of it had my expression turning grave, my mind going back to my dark days. It all flashed right before my eyes, but I was quick to rid my head of those thoughts. Now is not the time to allow myself to be pulled back into that dark abyss.

We reached where the cars were parked, and the back door was hastily opened for me and wordlessly, I got in—the door closed behind me immediately.

The door to my left was opened, just in time the passenger door was pulled open as well. One of the guards stepped into the passenger seat, and Saif got in beside me. I meant it when is said he's more like a brother to me—else he wouldn't have dared to sit beside me.

He's the only one I allow to do so.

The driver revved the car to life and almost immediately, the cars were pulling out of BlackAce; the one I'm in the middle as we drove away from the prying eyes. We knew some would follow since they don't know when to stop. So, when he reached a certain point, all three identical cars went different paths to confuse the ones following.

My car went in the direction of my parents house, where I would stay for the time being. All throughout the drive, I could feel Saif occasional glares—clearly having a lot to say. He held it to himself though considering we have company. But, I know he would talk my ears off the minute we're out of sight, and I'm not sure I want to listen to it.

My phone pinged incessantly, along with the various phone calls that keep coming through. Picking out, my gaze fell on the caller ID that had the corner of my lips quirking up slightly.

Imran Hadi. It read, just in time the call ended, and then his name was displayed along with other missed calls.

He had already called more than five times, and I have no doubt he would've made his way over to my penthouse had it not been for the sudden press conference. I have no doubt he would've given me a piece of his mind, and even now, I am not entirely losing hope in that.

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