Part 7

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He smiled id love to go on a picnic but maybe next week..? I sorta have work "He
smiled awkwardly "alright julius mabye someday we can" he smiled walking into the kitchen washing the dishes before chilling on the couch looking at his phone the older one got up walking outside texting his mother he was going to visit her around next month He thinks for awhile before walking back inside " so uh what do you want to watch selever? The younger shrugged looking away he couldn't be bothered right now he was to stressed from school and some stupid fucking modelling ad he had to do the lines were so fucking embarrassing he sighed again

Later on they both decided to go on a walk more like the older has to convince the other to leave the house they both went to get some coffee shortly returning back to their homes selever went to his house julius went to his apartment The next day selever got dressed and went to school he was walking to his class when all of a sudden someone called his name he turned around confused until he saw a girl she looked familiar to him  she approached him with something in her hand he prayed it wasn't what he thought it was this had happened way to much ever since his mother and grandparents had convinced him to do modeling things at school were absolutely fucking hell

The girl yelled his name getting selevers attention he asked what she needed and that to be quick since he was in a rush to get to class the teacher wasn't the brightest soul in existence but he still didn't want to get detention again..
The clearly younger girl blushed slightly nodding she fidgeted with the thing in her hand before selever told her to hurry up she handed him the note smiling brightly hoping her feelings would be accepted " s-selever I've seen some of your modeling work and your so amazing I'd love it if you could accept my feelings I've liked you for awhile!" she bowed

Selever looked at her slightly suprised 'ah of course.. His modelling..' he groaned looking at the girl placing his hand on his hip" im going to break this to you as nice as I can first im not into girls two i have a wonderful boyfriend and three I know you only want to date me for my money and that isn't going to fucking happen so you can go use another model alright im heading to class before i get detention for the fucking 12th time this year see you later lia " he handing her back the letter before he walked away to his class quickly
After school he entered the house slamming the door behind him locking it he walked into the kitchen making himself a coffee leaning forward against the counter

" you alright there selever..? Was school rough on ya today?" Julius chuckles wrapping his arm around selever smiling resting his head on his shoulder gently kissing and nipping at the younger's neck
The other sighed frustrated
"school was fine julius nothing fucking special happened its the same as always!". he yelled frustrated he pushed julius off him pushing him against the wall. pinning julius arms above his head selever groaned frustrated he looked at Julius up and down rolling his eyes of course he was fucking mocking him all julius cared about was his damn looks The older boy then looked at the other quite shocked he wasn't expecting his partner to snap like this he chuckled looking down at him licking his teeth he thought 'hm.. If he wants to play this game I might aswell have some fun with it~' 'the younger then looked at his boyfriend confused what on earth is this fucking maniac smirking for?! He mumbled to himself until he felt him moving he was about to look up and say something before he could get a word out he was slammed against the wall his arms were pinned above his head like the other was just a couple of seconds ago he was confused " julius what the fuck are you doing mm-!" selevers complaining was instantly stopped by a warm feeling julius was kissing him?!

Julius tilted his head up kissing selever gently before he gently nipped at selevers lower lip selever was quite stubborn so julius thought for a second before pulling on his tail the younger made a muffled sound opening his mouth slightly. Julius took the opportunity to slip his tounge in both fought for dominance the older ending up winning they were at this for what felt like hours before he pulled away licking his lips his hands now placed on selevers waist he chuckled at the state of his partner his ponytail was all messed up it almost falling apart the younger was panting leaning against the wall for support he was out of breath and amazed he wasn't expecting that at all.  He  then looks at julius  smirking before all of a sudden there was a knock at the front door  selever groaned in annoyance and got himself off julius

The two boys fixed there clothes and let the person in julius looked a bit frustrated with  his boyfriends grandparents for interrupting  he sat down while sarv served everybody some tea   selever was having quite alot of fun as he hadn't seen his grandparents for a bit he looks at julius smiling at how nice he looked

Later on the mini tea party ended and it was quite late in the day selever had taken a shower and put on a tanktop and shorts letting his hair loose getting into bed rubbing his eyes yawning  the other boy noticed selever was already asleep and  layed down with him gently humming a lullaby till the other fell asleep

To be continued~

Total of 1k! words   see you guys soon for the next chapter! I apologise for the long delay  in this chapters completion

" I met My Soul mate At A Simple Coffee Shop" A Selever x Julius Story Where stories live. Discover now