11: party for lydia (stiles)

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Stiles was all set actually he was a week ahead of schedule with the preparations for lydias party he even had Derek's okay to use his loft now all he needed to do was get booze and figure out the rest of the theme.

Stiles closed his laptop opun hearing a knock at his window "sourwolf is good to see you" stiles smiled watching him crawl through the window "stiles just as cheery as even i see" "oh don't be so sour you know my mood brings you joy" stiles said with a wink.

Derek looked at stiles trying not to laugh at him "never do that again" he said pointing at his face "hey im just trying to lighten your mood" stiles hitting his hand away "by flirting with me" he questioned "why of course who can resist me" stiles asked confidently leaning forward only to lose his balance and fall on his face.

Derek burst in to laughter the moment stiles hit the floor "dickhead your supposed to be helping me up" stiles said getting up looking at derek still in his fit of laughter "im sorry i truly am i just think you should stop losing your balance so often" he returns with a small smile "whatever why are you here" stiles asked looking at derek "just wanted to chat that's all" derek said taking a seat. "Would you be able to buy the booze for the party" stiles asked having derek move over "i will see what i can do" derek said, stles looked at him in shock "really?" he asked looking at derek "yes really."

allison was walking up the stairs with jackson leading him to stiles room "oh hi jackie this is derek" stiles said greeting them "what can i do you for" he asked "first stop calling me jackie and second lydia wants to know how we're doing with the party" he said loking at stiles and then he glanced shortly at derek "everything's fine i know what im doing" stiles said rolling his eyes.

stiles waited for them to leave his room, but they still stood there "go on tell them" allison whispered to jackson "tell us what" stiles asked looking at jackson waiting for him to speak "a few days ago I was out for a run a night and I was bit by something it healed but I've been throwing up this black goo" stiles looked at derek then allison grabbed both their attention when she spoke up "I told him about the supernatural when i was drunk, he was less drunk then me and lydia" stiles and derek both looked at her then at jackson "your bodies rejecting the bite you should be fine" derek tells him "oh thanks" Stiles watched as they both left


An hour before the party stiles was at derek's loft with jackson and allison they were making sure everything is in place "what is this for" derek asked picking up paint "its body paint what do you think we do with it eat it" stiles said walking around him hanging lights up "jax come help me" allison called from across the room, stiles continued to make sure all the lights were up and that they worked "turn the lights off" stiles told derek who was confused but turned them off.

About 30 minutes later lydia arrived at the loft and soon people started to show up

"I could paint your body" stiles offered holding the paint "why" "its a party and it looks cool" stiles said trying to convince him "fine" derek said knowing he wouldn't win stiles over to not painting on him "so hows this work" he asked looking at stiles picking up a paintbrush ignoring dereks question "so how long will this last"derek asked looking at stiles who wss holding his arm "um im not sure" he said in response not once looking at dereks face. "Your shirt its in the way" stiles said looking away until derek took his shirt off.

When stiles finally looks up at he finds that derek was staring at him "im done" he says putting the paintbrush down, derek looked down at his arm to find six different designs on his arm stretching to his chest, "what is it" derek was trying to see what it was stiles had drawn on him "just a doodle" (it's stiles name doodled in paint) stiles said shrugging his sholders

"Im going to get a drink" stiles says before he starts to walk off. Derk started to walk around when he was stopped by allison she just seemed to look at him strangely "what?" Derek asked her "nothing, can i take a picture of the drawing" she asked pointing at his arm and chest "sure" derek said standing still for the picture.

Stiles walked back over to derek with two drinks "this is yours" stiles siad handing the cup to derek "i can't get drunk" he said looking down at the cup "and?" Stiles was looking at derek like he was speaking another language "right guess I'm drinking with you" he said finally taking to cup from stiles.

At some point after giving derek his drink they had got seperated and Stiles had been walking all over the loft trying to find derek. He had stopped looking for him when jackson asked him to dance, but stiles had been pulled away from jackson "what's your deal" stiles asked derek who was pulling him by the arm.

Derek and stiles made it to his room closing the door behind them derek pushing stiles against the wall kissing him.

Derek kissed him. Full on his mouth. He cupped his head with his hands and pressed his lips against stiles'. After a second of absolute shock stiles kissed him back. It felt amazing, it had been something he had wanted to do ever since the moment in his room.

Derek went to sit on top of sriles taking of his shirt. Stiles bit his lip and looked at the toned muscles of the werewolf. Derek bent over and kissed his lips again. He pinned stiles' wrists to the bed and the boy loved the feeling to much to protest for once.

Derek stopped kissing the boy and went to his neck making hickeys to mark his territory. Stiles moaned a little to loud when derek hit the spot right between his collarbone and his neck. Derek grinned and kissed his lips again whilst tuggingon stiles' shirt. He understood the hint and took it off.

As soon as the shirt touched the ground derek started kissing his chest, leaving wet kisses all over his chest building the pressure. He kissed all the way to stiles abdomen and stiles was going insane. He sat up straight and tried to unbuckle his pants. Derek stopped him and pushed him down on the bed again.

Derek took off his pants, noticing how hard he'd gotten by hearing stiles moan. He hovered over stiles once again and kissed him passionately on his mouth. He turned away and stiles groaned. Instead derek went for stiles' dick licking the top and swirling his tongue around it.

Stiles eyes rolled and he moaned louder then he ever did before. Derek closed his eyes for a second trying to control himself. He wanted to take the younger boy right then an there but he wanted stiles to enjoy it as much as he would.

He bobbed his head up and down stiles cock, getting hotter every second by hearing stiles not even trying to control his moans. Right at the moment he could feel stiles was almost about to cum, he took his head off and grabbed some lube from a drawer.

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