The experiment

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"Seoul Archeological Research Center" read the big sign board over multi storey building in front of which was gathered a crowd of reporters and media personnel.. "Ladies and Gentlemen we are standing in front of the Archeological Research Center of our country coming in with a shocking exclusive.. The mysterious green stone that was found in one of the excavation sites.. Yes.. The same stone that emits an immeasurable amount of energy.. The stone that could not be identified as debris of any of the 8 planets nor of any meteoroid has been stolen from the building behind us.. Yes ladies and gentlemen.. The stone has been stolen.. The news came as a shocker for the scientists as well.. Without any proper gearing.. No one can even touch the stone... And that same stone.. Is stolen! The camera recordings of the building show a mysterious young woman entering the building.. But none of the cameras captured her leaving the building.. Who could she be?.. Is she still in the building? Or did she vanish in thin air?!.. The security has surrounded the building and has blocked all the passages.. What will that woman do with the stone?!.. Is she planning something? Or is it just a conspiracy from the authorities.." One of the many reporters narrated the story..

Inside the research center was chaos.. People running here and there.. Panic and fear clearly visible on their faces.. Security guarding all the passages.. No one was allowed to leave the building.. Emergency sirens going off.. Staff being questioned.. Amid all the chaos.. Was a girl.. Seated in the security room of the center.. With her legs crossed.. And her eyes glued to the multiple screens in front of her which was playing the footage of a girl in an all black outfit and a mask sneaking inside the building.. The girl was seen taking all the security guards in her way one by one by sedating them with injections.. She even managed to hack into the AI systems protecting the chamber.. After a few minutes she was seen in one of the corridors where she covered the camera with a black cloth.. "That's it.. That's all we have.." The guard said as the jaw of the girl beside him clenched her jaw.. There was an aura around her.. The scary one.. The one that could make ur very soul shiver.. Her eyes red.. As if she can kill anyone who messes with her. She had a pen in her hand.. Which was fiddling between her fingers.. "That's it? Nothing else?" She asked calmly.. But her voice was threatening.. The guard nodded.. "We just recovered her clothes in the corridor.. They were sanitized.. So no fingerprints.." He said.. And suddenly.. She stopped fiddling with the pen.. There prevailed a silence in the room for a minute.. Before a loud growl was heard and she smacked the pen in the screen with force shattering the screen into pieces.. "What are you doing Y/N?!?! This system is worth millions!!!!" Jake.. The head of the security team yelled at her.. "Five years!!!! I gave five years of my life to this project Jake!!! It was my excavation!! Someone sneaked into the building and stole my hardwork! In seconds! And u care abt this useless system of urs?!?" She yelled now holding Jake's collar.. "Y/N.." He mumbled visibly scared for his life.. She huffed and yanked his collar making him stumble.. "We have nothing! All these AI security systems and we have nothing?!?! How?!?" She turned towards the guards standing behind her.. "Find her!!! Ryt now!!! Leave! She must be here somewhere! I am warning u guys!! If u guys don't find her in a day i'll choke u guys to death myself!!!" She yelled on top of her voice.. Her anger was going out of control and had to be held by Jake in place so that she doesn't end up hurting the guards.. "Y/N.. Please.. Calm down.. U need to rest.. I don't think u are ok.." Jake said holding her and she panted in his arms.. "I'll not go anywhere!!! I'll hunt that bitch down!!" She yelled wiggling but Jake didn't leave her.. "Pls i promise u.. I promise u.. I will hunt her for u.. I'll get her.. U have my word!" Jake said hugging her tight and Y/N sighed catching her breath.. "You promise?" She asked... Jake nodded.. "Fine.." She nodded before getting herself together.. Jake patted her back and ordered the guards to safely escort her.. With a deep breath Y/N picked her purse up and left the building along with the guards..

An hour later:-

Far away from the bright blinking lights of the hitech city a red ferrari with black panes drove through the empty barren land.. The land which once used to be the hub for all the industrialists.. But now as the awareness for global sustainable development has increased.. The area was abandoned.. Leaving behind the ghostly industry buildings.. The car drove straight towards one of such buildings and halted infront of the biggest one.. The door of the car opened and a young lady wearing red high heels and a black bodycon dress stepped out.. Holding a leather briefcase in her hand.. Pushing the rusted iron door of the factory open she walked into the building.. It was empty as expected.. She flipped her hair before walking further in and marched towards the lift.. Unlike all the other equipment of the building the lift was operational.. She clicked the button for the basement and the lift took her down.. Reaching the basement the lift opened and she stepped out walking towards the huge metal door infront of her.. Taking her glasses off she stood infront of the security system as it scanned her retina.. "Professor Y/N.. Access granted!" The AI said and she smiled watching the door open.. Revealing her very own laboratory.. Secret Laboratory..

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