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"An exiled wizard-?" She asked.. Disbelief and a tinge of fear evident in her voice.. "Yes.." He nodded.. His eyes sparkling with something she couldn't really recognize.. "Why?.." She asked.. Her voice went lower.. He took a deep breath before getting up.. "Don't ask for things you won't be able to understand.." He said as he put the fire off before anyone noticed it from a distance.. "But i want to understand.." She said.. Still sitting on the boulder.. "Trust me.. You are not meant for this.." He said.. Glaring at her.. His eyes held a threat.. A warning.. A warning to not interfere in his business.. "You can sit here if u want.. I'll go to the cave.. I feel sleepy.. Come back soon tho.. It will get colder.." He said before heading back to the cave.. Leaving her with so many unanswered questions.. Did she really trust him early?.. What does he mean he is exiled.. And wanted too?!.. She looked around herself.. The world around her was silent.. But the silence wasn't very peaceful.. Instead.. It was disturbing.. Unsettling.. She gulped as she felt a chill pass through her spine.. She just knew.. She was stuck in the wrong place.. With a very wrong guy.. Her hands gripped the chain of the necklace around her neck.. And she blinked before tearing her gaze off the stillness and looked down pulling the necklace out.. It was still glimmering.. It never glimmered like that in her own world.. Why was it glimmering now?.. She did have a vague idea.. That this stone in the necklace was the reason she was here.. Particularly.. Maybe it belonged to this world?.. She sighed.. There were so many maybes.. And equally haunting what ifs.. What if she ended up getting into some trouble?.. Well.. Who was she lying from.. She already knows she was in trouble.. She sighed again as she placed the gleaming necklace back into her clothing.. It was actually getting colder as time passed.. So she decided.. She should probably head back.. There's not much options that she has..  Getting up back on her feet she headed towards the cave..
Stepping inside the cave with caution she looked around only to find him fast asleep on the floor.. She sighed in relief and walked past his sleeping figure making sure she didn't disturb him.. To the huge stone boulder she woke up on earlier.. Her heart fluttered for some reason when she saw that bed-like structure properly made up with cozy sheets and blankets.. Did he really do this for her?.. She looked around.. And found a plate full of fruits kept ryt at the side of that apparent bed.. She blinked as she suddenly felt her stomach growling.. He even knew she would feel hungry.. And actually arranged for it too?.. She slowly sat down on the bed and picked up the apple.. Biting on it as her eyes landed back on his sleeping figure.. He was lost in his dreamland.. Not even caring he has a stranger with him.. She did not fail to notice how he could have slept on the bed.. But chose the floor instead.. He was curled up in a ball.. Probably feeling cold.. She kept the half eaten apple back on the plate before picking up an extra blanket and crouched near him.. Covering him properly and he snuggled immediately like a little kid who just found comfort.. A silent chuckle left her mouth.. Before she caught herself smiling while looking at him.. Her eyes travelled to his peaceful face.. His cheeks were squished.. And his lips formed a sweet little pout.. He looked adorable.. Not once like a wanted man.. He wasn't even scary.. His face held innocence.. Maybe that's why she trusted him so quickly.. Her hand involuntarily went near his cheeks but before she could touch him.. His eyes when he told her who he was.. Flashed in her mind.. Yes.. His face held innocence.. But his eyes held fire.. Hell fire.. And she quickly withdrew her hand away from him.. She cannot let her heart get the better of her.. She has to be very calculative.. She needs to know about him.. Before completely trusting him.. This wasn't a fairy-tale.. And she wasn't a princess.. Neither was he a knight in shining armour..
Next morning:-
Waking up to the chirping of the birds and the bright sunlight she squinted her eyes as she opened them.. Her sleepy self observing her surroundings.. The sleep was comfortable.. So comfortable that.. For a second she forgot where she was.. But her senses immediately snapped back to reality when she found the same young man lurking around in a loose white  robe.. The hair which was previously tied in a pony was now left open.. Swaying with the wind.. He only had light jewellery on.. He wasn't looking royal like before.. But just.. Simply ethereal.. She slowly stood up.. Sitting straight on the bed attracting his attention.. "So you are finally awake?.." He asked.. His voice sounded deeper than usual.. Which indicated he too just woke up.. "Mhm.." She hummed.. Still processing the view in front of her.. "Aren't you hungry?.. You left the apple half eaten too.. You guys don't eat fruits in your realm or what?" He asked eyeing the half eaten apple from last night before plating something he just prepared and offered it to her.. "Erm.. No.. I don't wanna eat.." She said trying to be cautious around him.. "If you don't eat you will die.." He simply said but his glare was enough for her to immediately accept whatever he was offering her.. He glared at her for another second before plating his own breakfast and started eating.. The breakfast was done in silence.. She kept stealing glances of him as she ate and the same went for him.. Whenever their eyes would lock.. Both would look away in embarrassment.. He cleared his throat before picking up both the plates and keeping them away.. Before wearing the same black cloak back that covered his identity.. "You freshen up.. I am going out for a while.. Will be back in a while.." He said and went straight out of the cave without even giving her time to react.. She blinked a few times.. Wondering where he would be gone to.. Before leaving the comfort of the blankets and quickly wearing the spare cloak.. Heading out.. To follow him..
She  covered herself properly and followed him to where ever he goes.. He walked through the forest and reached the main center of the city where all the local civilians were buying and selling all kinds of stuff.. Food.. Spices.. Clothes.. Jewellery.. Utensils.. Grocery.. Walking through the busy streets.. He bumped into someone.. And she clearly saw him sneaking his hand around another man's robe stealing the bag of coins attached to his waist before disappearing in the crowd.. Both her and the man looked around for him.. But the man who now realised that he was robbed.. Couldn't find him.. Her heart sank as the realization settled in.. Did he just steal from someone?!.. He was indeed a very wrong guy.. Still looking around in utter disappointment her eyes searched for him.. She wanted to know what he did from that money.. And after a few efforts.. She found him in the food market.. Buying some items in bulk.. Her brows crashed in confusion.. He lived alone.. Then why did he need so much food?..  After buying the food he proceeded further and she followed him.. Maintaining a safe distance..  Till they reached the butchers market.. Tall and grumpy men having inches long knives in their hands indeed scared her.. But she was determined.. Determined to know him.. He stopped at the last shop.. Which looked even more shady.. He said something to the shopkeeper and he nodded before handing him a small packet which he cautiously clutched in his hand and hid it inside his robe.. The butcher then handed him another packet of some raw chicken and he paid him before moving forward..
Walking towards the rather secluded part of the city.. She followed him diligently.. Her heart thumping in her chest.. She was just hoping she doesn't fall into any of his nasty traps.. They reached a dark abandoned alley.. And he stopped abruptly making her heart skip a beat.. She observed carefully and found him looking around as if ensuring safety.. Once satisfied.. He whistled loudly..  She thought he must be calling his wanted friends and they will have a party.. But instead.. Her eyes widened.. When a huge group of small kids came out and surrounded him.. Hugging him by his legs.. He slowly pulled his mask down before smiled fondly at them.. This was the first time she saw him smile.. And it immediately took her heart away.. That smile was one of the most genuine and beautiful smiles she has ever seen.. It was so wide that his eyes almost disappeared.. The kids looked happy with his presence too.. They seemed like some group of homeless kids.. He crouched to their level before distributing all the food items he bought.. While laughing and chatting with them.. Her heart melted at the sight.. He looked like an angel.. Fulfilling the wishes of those innocent souls.. Soon... He was done distributing the stuff.. He greeted the kids for the last time... Giving them all a lot of kisses.. Before turning back and returning.. She realized he will actually go back to the cave now.. So she immediately turned back too.. Sprinting as fast as she could.. To reach back before him..
He entered the cave and found her still laying in the same bed.. Probably sleeping he assumed.. Therefore.. He cleared his throat.. And it made her jolt up.. "Oh.. Welcome back.." She rubbed her sleepy eyes.. As if she just woke up from a deep slumber.. Obviously pretending.. "Were u resting?" He asked stepping further in as she watched keep the packet of chicken on the cooking counter.. "Yh.. I was feeling tired for some reason.." She said as he frowned before suddenly leaning in keeping his hand on her forehead.. Her heartbeat quickened at the unexpected move..  "You don't have fever.. But u seem sweaty.. Are u fine?" He asked.. His voice laced with concern.. She nodded quitely not taking her eyes off his beautiful features.. "Maybe it's the weather.. I kept two blankets for with a reason.." He mumbled.. Referring to the spare blanket she put on him last night.. "You were cold.." She said in her defence.. "I live here.. I am used to the weather.. You are not.." He said in a stern voice which made her jaw clench.. "You are ungrateful.." She said through her gritted teeth.. His arrogance was getting on her nerves.. "And you are stupid.." He retorted making her scoff.. But before she could charge back.. He walked off as if nothing happened and she just huffed looking away.. Trying to gulp her anger down.. "It can be weakness too.. I know you aren't getting food which is upto your mark.. That's why i bought chicken for you.. I'll barbeque it for you tonight.. You eat chicken ryt?" He asked looking back at her and she just blinked.. So that chicken he bought was for her?.. Meeting silence he blinked before repeating his question.. "You eat chicken.. Ryt?.." She snapped hearing him and nodded immediately.. He nodded back and started with the preparations of the barbeque..
It was night by now.. Jimin and Y/N were sitting outside the cave.. Under the stary night.. As both the moons shined brighter than anything in this world.. She looked at him and found him busy roasting the chicken properly.. He was so focussed.. And still looked pretty.. He smiled plating it carefully before walking towards her.. And she looked away pretending as if she wasn't just staring at him.. He forwarded the plate to her and she nodded in gratitude before accepting it.. The chicken looked so delicious.. He sat beside her with his own plate and she glanced at him before starting to eat.. It tasted just as delicious as it looked.. She smiled in satisfaction.. "Mhmm.. You do know how to cook huh.." She mumbled with her full mouth and earned a faint smile.. "I cook really well!" He said taking a bite and she nodded.. "Mhm this is good.." She said as he nodded.. "Thanks.." He said and she chuckled.. "Oh so you do know the word thanks too!!" She teased and he rolled his eyes.. "I do.. But i don't be grateful for someone's stupidity.." He said and her smile immediately went away.. "You are a brat.. Has anyone told you that?" She asked as he laughed.. "You are the first one.." He answered with a cocky smile and she just snickered before continuing to eat.. "You stay ideal all day.. Don't you like to do something?" He asked as she glared at him.. "I was a scientist in my world!" She exclaimed immediately going defensive.. "Well.. I was talking about hobbies.." He shrugged and she blinked.. "I.. I.. Never thought about it.. I was too busy with-" Shr suddenly stops speaking.. Watching her being lost with a sad expression on her face he figured out the past was haunting so he cleared his throat before speaking up bringing her out of the memories.. "So u have no hobbies... As expected!" He said mockingly and she grumbled at him before taking another bite.. "What hobbies do you havee??" She asked raising a brow and he took a deep breath before speaking.. "I like to help.. And take care of people.. Especially children..  Those who don't have anyone to take care of them.. Ik how it feels.. To be all alone.." He answered and sighed.. "Is that why.. You decided to help a complete stranger like me?.." She asked and he nodded.. Her heart gained even more respect for him as he admitted that.. "You know.. You are nice.." She smiled and he looked into her eyes.. His eyes were soft this time.. Almost glossy.. "You should not form a opinion on anyone or anything that quick.." He said and smiled before getting up and going to roast more chicken.. She  sighed.. This is what bothered her.. One minute he would be the nicest and the other he would just act so mysterious.. He was ryt tho.. She shouldn't form a positive opinion about him so soon.. She cannot ignore the fact that he actually stole from someone.. And what was it that the butcher handed him and he hid in his cloak?.. Sighing she stared at the moon.. She has to find out more about him.. He is a mysterious wizard and she should be careful..

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