When I was young my parents always said, you are not allowed to have a boyfriend until you are 18. I took that seriously. I always wanted a boyfriend, seeing my classmates and everyone in a relationship made me sad and angry at the same time. I talked to a few boys, had some friendships but never got to the relationship stage. I was bullied and I still am because of this. There were times where people thought that me and my current friend were dating, it was never true. I know that some guys liked me and I felt it, once they wanted to tell me I blocked them completely out of my life, literally. I am 18 turning 19 in a few months. Never had a first date, kiss or even held hands with someone. I am sad because I see all of these movies with teenagers in love and I never got to experience that. I liked a few guys myself but obviously never made a move because I was told I wasn't allowed to have one. Now my parents are expecting me to have a boyfriend but I simply can't because I don't know how. Atleast they saved me from something, my first heartbreak, but a boy never asked me out, never brought me flowers or never even really said anything nice about me. Would I love to be in a loving relationship? Obviously. Could I actually be in one? Could be hard to get used to it but yes. I deserve to be happy.