✦ { Kailyn } Vipersong

44 4 0

Client: stormstars

Reviewer: Kailucy

Cover: 10/10

The cover is gorgeous. The imagery and the fonts look amazing together. It goes with the genre perfectly.

Title: 9/10

The title is great. I personally love one-word titles so of course I love this. It's easy to remember and goes with the story.

Blurb: 9/10

The blurb does a great job setting up the main characters and plot. It's the perfect length and draws the reader's attention.

Characters: 10/10

The characters are already so interesting. You handle the cast well making them all feel so different. I can't wait to learn more about Valentina, Elio, Nada, and Rafi. I especially like how you write their voices they all sound so different even written in 3rd person. I'm already so invested in them and want to see what they will do and what will happen. I love the introduction to Valentina. She's so mysterious. The introduction to Elio is equally great. In a few paragraphs alone you establish multiple characteristics and you do it flawlessly.

Plot: 19/20

Right away the plot caught my attention. It's just the right pace to keep my attention but it's not too fast that the worldbuilding is lost.

Prologue: You're off the a strong start. Already captured my attention. Couldn't wait to continue.

Chapter One: I love it when fantasy books have little preludes that include a passage to an in-world book. It adds to the world and makes me curious to continue.

Chapter Two: This chapter continues setting up the plot. I enjoyed reading about Elio.

Chapters three to five: these chapters further set up the plot, establish the characters more, and introduce a few more characters. I can't wait to see what else will happen in the later chapters.

Writing style: 20/20

The first line in the prologue is wonderful. The descriptions and the imagery are stunning and make everything easy to picture. Your writing style is engrossing. The first chapter feels so eerie and it fits the mood of the chapter. The second chapter feels so different from that and the third chapter reads so mysteriously. The tones match the contents of the chapters. You write dialogue so well. Every character sounds different and it reads naturally.

Grammar/spelling/vocabulary: 9/10

I didn't find any mistakes. Maybe a misplaced punctuation mark once but that was it. Your vocabulary is stupendous.

Enjoyment: 10/10

I enjoyed this a lot and I hope to continue once I have enough time. I want to know what happens next.

Overall: 96/100

Overall, I think you have a wonderful story. The characters and plot are interesting. I like that you take the time to let the reader immerse into the world and get accustomed to the characters. I like the pace and I love your writing style. Keep it up!

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