Chaper 3.

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His car speeding through the roads as he took glances at me, "I'm Tom by the way, and you are?"  I looked at him, oh I'm aria I smiled and that's lily.
"Sweet.. so what brought you to Tokyo?" He said with a thick German accent, what is up with these German people in Tokyo,
Oh just a week trip my friend lily wanted to go to Tokyo I chuckled lightly as I gazed out the window as we were pulling into a car park it was filled with cars and people the music was loud as people were drinking, I looked confused "oh we're just dropping you off here until Jamie comes to pick yous all up.. well this is a car race" he said sparking up a cigarette while getting out of the car,

Me and lily smirked at each-other as we headed straight for the bar without hesitation ordering two vodka and red bulls, as we payed and grabbed are drinks,
The first thing that caught my attention was toms face, a mask full of anger bill struggling to restrain him. "Let go bill! I'm going to tear this fucker apart!" Toms shouts pierced the air, the echo faint but resonant. I couldn't understand what was happening my gaze darted around desperately trying to piece together the chaotic scene nearby, a thin bearded man stood unfazed by toms fury, despite it being directed at him and that made tom more angry

As I tried to understand the situation i noticed Sienna standing at a distance her face craved In tension. Without a moment's hesitation me and lily rushed to her side position are selfs beside her and I whispered urgently Sienna? What's happening? Why is Tom so furious?

Sienna's response came in a hushed tone, trembling a bit. "That man over their... he grabbed Nicole," she confided "Tom saw it and lost control" all are gazes shot to Jamie's van that pulled up on the footpath but the arguments were still happening Tom wouldn't calm down
"Tom, fucking stop!" Bill shouted in his face as the boy with the blond hair ran over so did the boy with the shoulder length brown hair, I still didn't know their names but I was to amused to even ask.
It was silent until Tom let out a frustrated curse

But the man remained emotionless, standing their without a hint of remorse. An urge to confront this man washed over me, how could he act so nonchalant after assaulting a girl around his daughters age?

"Aria," Lily's voiced snapped me out of my trance urging me to get into the van. I complied and took my seat, but my gaze remained locked on the man. As we drove away from the scene, a whirlwind of questions filled my mind, an eerie sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach. The mystery surrounding the man on the phone call added an unsettling layer to the already bizarre trip..
"Tom simply over reacted" Nicole suddenly broke the one hour of silence that had settled in the car "I am beautiful maybe he was just attracted"

Is she serious? She should be grateful Tom even stood up for her in the first place.

Sienna stood up in anger, "Tom would fucking kill you if he heard you talking about him like that Nicole!" Sienna shouted as Nicole stood up frightened "w-I didn't even know you were on this van.. don't tell Tom sienna please" Nicole shook her head

I slowly moved my gaze to lily as I realised how worried and frightened Nicole was from Tom.. but why he seemed nice and he even stuck up for her he doesn't look like a bad person, maybe scary looking but in my eyes he seemed like a nice genuine person.

Their argument escalated as they went back and forth, shouting and accusing each other to prove who was worse,
"Both of you, shut up!" Jaime shouted turning back to them in annoyance, both Nicole and Sienna fell silent, grateful for Jamie's intervention

"Jaime, look out!" Angela, whose name I just found not long ago, shouted suddenly, startling Jaime. Jaime swerved the car to the left, narrowly avoiding a collision with a cow leisurely crossing the road. The abrupt maneuver caused everyone in the car to lean to the left in panic.
The car was now heading straight for a massive stone. Panic spread throughout the vehicle as everyone urged Jaime to stop. However, Jaime's desperate attempts to regain control proved futile.
"The brakes won't work! I can't stop it!"
Jaime shouted in a panicked voice.
With the car still hurtling forward, it crashed into the massive rock with a deafening impact. The collision caused the door beside me to swing open, and I sent flying through the air before crashing to the ground with a painful thud. Every bone in my body felt broken and as darkness closed in, I began to loose consciousness.
My eyes fluttered opened, a sharp piercing pain immediately shot through my body,
Blinking away the haze I looked around and my gaze landed on ouy van now covered with dents and scratches. I tried to get up slightly praying my friends were safe, but the pain held me down. With a determined effort, I pushed through my agony and struggled to my feet limping towards the van my heart sank as I seen it empty.
Did they leave me behind? I sat down on the seat a hint of betrayal
"I'm not fucking leaving here until we find her!" I heard a voice shout from the distance as I stood up limping as I shouted, lily?,
I seen lily sienna and other people rush towards me as lily grabbed me scanning my body, "your okay?, your not hurt!?, aria tell me you aren't hurt!" Im okay.. my legs just sore I looked up as I seen a figure stand infront of me
"Come on ill take you to the hospital." Tom said as he hooked onto my arm walking me towards his car.

The dark romance.- Tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now