The Priestess

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Hermione was absolutely being a coward and she hated it. Harry had sensed her unease at dinner and Ginny picking up on his, what he believed to be subtle, signals to leave them alone kept stepping out into the kitchen or proclaiming she had to go to the loo. Every time the redhead left he'd turn to her his expectant gaze waiting for her to say what was on her mind. But, when she remained picking at her food he would continue to eat his. Ginny being as subtle as a bull in a china shop proclaimed that she wanted to spend sometime in the library after dinner. Something Hermione knew for a fact bored the living daylights out of her.

She appreciate their efforts to make both of themselves available if she wished to speak to either of them alone. It made her feel deeply cared for and understood but she just couldn't find the words to explain. So, after an hour spent in the library, Ginny flipping through Witch Weekly while Hermione kept scanning the journal, she excused herself back to her flat.

Before she went to bed Ron had sent an owl, asking but it seemed more like a demand to have lunch with him. She sighed. Harry and Ginny had called in reinforcements and now she had to sit through lunch with Ron's poor table manners. Not that she minded. Ron was her best friend too. She just knew the male Weasley would bluntly ask her what's been going on. Admittedly, he had more tact for pulling out information from Hermione and was a hell lot more persistent.

She sent off a quick reply telling him to meet her at the small pizza shop near her flat. Giving the tawny owl a few treats the letter was off. Sighing, she quickly flicked her wand and the lights were out. Tomorrow would be a long day.

Ron was the messiest eater. They had order a pie to split a cheese, pepperoni and sausage and half of the toppings were on the Ginger's face. The conversation was mostly about her work and his training. Him and Harry had decided to go straight into the auror program. Of course she had been offered the same but her days of hunting Dark wizards was over. She'd rather spend her days fighting for those who didn't have a voice.

"You know, Harry and Ginny are pretty concerned and honestly I am too." Ron smacked his lips. Talking while he chewed and she cringed. Reaching to the end of the table she grabbed for a napkin and held it out for him.

"Wipe your face and don't talk with your mouth full." He took it from her hand and wiped the bits of food off his face. He balled up the paper cloth and threw it down on the table.

"Yes mum." He smiled and had the decency to cover his mouth. Once his food was swallowed he looked up to her. His blue eyes pouring into hers. He sighed.

"What's going on Hermione?"

She swallowed and looked down at the table. Her pizza was left untouched on her plate. The grease pulling in the pepperoni and divots in the cheese. Her stomach the last few days couldn't handle anything besides plain food, she was too anxious. She looked to him again. His eyes pleading with her to share her burdens. Just like Harry, he knew her well enough to know when she was lying. Unlike Harry, Ron would keep pressing until she annoyed her into telling him the truth.

"I'm just adjusting. I've got a lot going on right now. I don't even know where to begin or even how to tell any of you." She saw him open his mouth to say something. His brows were doing that thing it does when he's scared. She interjected before he could say anything. "I'm not in danger or at risk of anything. At least I don't think. I would let you know and will if anything changes. Promise."

He nodded and scratched the back of his neck. "You promise you'll tell at-least one of us once you figure out what's going on?"

"I promise." She smile relieved. Harry must have told him not to press too much. "How are you and Padma doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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