Part 1 - Chapter 1

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               May 3rd 2009

Bellevue High School halls were filled with colorful students promenading around, gossiping over whatever they could get their drama from; a movie they saw the night before, the psychology teacher making a kid cry, or even the chemistry teacher almost burning the whole school down the year before. Everything was the same as before, except one thing - a senior student of a small group had his eyes on the asshole of the school - Craig Story.

Craig and Blake Carey had a long history of hating each other. Some say their rivarly had been going on since the third grade and others claim since the day they were born in the same hospital and their mothers ran into each other on their discharge day. Whatever the case, Craig always blamed Blake's father for his mother's death but that never stopped him from taking the one thing that Blake cared for.

Cordelia Barton.

Blake and his best friend, Sawyer never saw it coming and still they had no clue how he wrangled in their best friend. No matter how many times they tried to convince Cordelia to get confidence and walk away from Craig for good, she always went back to Craig. It got to the point that the boys were afraid that the only way she would leave was in a casket.

Sawyer and Blake reached out to friends every day during the summer before they started their senior year so they had someone watching over her after they left for college. Not one person would dare to stand up to Craig for fear that they would end up in the hospital as well as their loved ones. And then one day Libby Rynemer was roped in the first day of their senior year, a girl who was close to Cordelia because of her sister, Hannah. Libby had become a wreck after Hannah had passed away from Leukemia and promised to watch over her little sister for the rest of her life.

Today was different from the rest.

Today, Craig crossed the line and caused a scene in front of the teachers and students that were in the main hall. Blake and Sawyer were more than a hundred feet from their best friend when they overheard Craig lose his temper, over what, was unknown. This created the crowd around them to break away and stare in fear of what he was about to do. Not one person came to her aid, not even the teachers and this brought her friends to the edge.

Blake handed his books to the brunette standing next to him and without saying a word, she took them and watched him make his way over to Cordelia. Sawyer did the same with the redhead and followed his friend, both stopping in the four way of the halls. "Get your hands off her!" Blake's stern voice caught Cordelia off guard.

Craig scoffed as he held her arm tightly, not caring that all the attention was on him. "Awe, look, the little pussies are here to save the day." He glanced at her and then perked up when he saw Libby step forward, hands bawled up into fists. "Awe, you also brought the little bitch. What are you going to do? Slap me to death?"

Libby took one step and swung her arm, fist connecting to his face causing him to stumble back and let Cordelia go. He held his face and stared at her, surprised that she caused him to bleed. He spat the blood out at her clothes and then laughed when it stained her white shirt. Libby grabbed Cordelia to move her but Craig grabbed them both and cause Blake and Sawyer to jump him.

Blake sat on him and wailed on his face while Sawyer sat on his legs and gave the teachers the scariest look anyone had ever seen, giving them indication that he was no longer the sweet silent kid they came to know. Even the girls they had been dating for a while were becoming scared of them, they left their books on the floor and backed away from them.

Cordelia rushed over to Blake after Craig's face became bloody and grabbed Blake's arm, crying out to him. "Please, stop." Blake stopped and looked up at her seeing that Craig had already done his worse. Her black eye and busted lip were very prominent to the point of scars going to be left behind. Not just physical but also on her heart. "It's over. I swear to you." She refused to let go of his arm as tears started to fall from her eyes. He could hear the murmuring from everyone around them and then Libby's voice behind him as she tried to get Sawyer off Craig.

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