Part 2 - Chapter 8

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               Long after her parents went to bed, Cordelia stayed up and waited for Noah to go online so they could spend time talking and figure out when he was able to join her at her parents. When midnight came around, she was surprised that he still wasn't online but noticed that her old email account was still active. She clicked on it and logged in, surprised that she remembered the password. "How is this happening? I thought I deleted this?" She tried to back out but the chat popped up and Libby's screen name, CrazyCatLady08 popped up and started talking to her.

CrazyCatLady08: Hey, Cordie! It was wonderful seeing you again! We should talk soon. I would love you to meet my husband!

MissSpazztik: I don't know when that will be possible. I am with my parents for the weekend. I have a wedding to plan and a mother-in-law to please.

CrazyCatLady08: Oh, dear. I know how that is. Always having to please someone else. Well, I'm going to be in Snohomish for a while, hoping that someone will buy my grandmother's jam. Perhaps you can stop by on your way back to Everette?

MissSpazztik: I don't know if I'll have time, but I will try. If weather permits it.

CrazyCatLady08: Oh, by the way, Blake's grandmother was wondering what happened to that ring? I thought she would have forgotten about it after all these years, but apparently she has been harassing your parents lately for it. I guess one of her other grandchildren is finally getting married and wanted to give her the ring.

MissSpazztik: There's no way in hell I'm giving her something that Blake gave me.

CrazyCatLady08: That's what I told her. I explained that he worked hard to get that ring made. I found out later on by Sawyer's cousin Margo that Blake actually made that ring at her then fiance's shop.

MissSpazztik: Is Margo still with that douche?

CrazyCatLady08: Hell no! She almost went off the deep end when she lost her favorite person and walked away from that asshole. She's married to a better man and I am glad she did. Who knows what would have become of her if she stuck with him.

MissSpazztik: I'm glad she is doing better. I didn't like George.

CrazyCatLady08: I didn't either. How's your fiance? I saw your ring, but you left before I could ask.

MissSpazztik: He's good. We were supposed to be talking right now, but he hasn't logged in yet. He's probably still dealing with his mother being cringy about the wedding and me leaving.

CrazyCatLady08: When is the big day?!

MissSpazztik: November 10th.

CrazyCatLady08: That's coming up in a few months. Time flies by when you're having fun!!

MissSpazztik: Yeah, I cannot believe that it's almost May. Soon it's going to be the anniversary of Blake and Sawyer's....

Cordelia paused when she realized what she was thinking. Then she started to question herself. Why was she talking to Libby about the anniversary? Libby was the last person she wanted to talk with about her friends. Cordelia closed out the chat and completely shut out the account before closing her laptop for the night. She got up and placed the laptop onto the chair, grabbed her phone and headed down to the kitchen. As she sent a message to Noah asking why he never logged on, she felt the presense of someone watching her. She quickly turned to the sliding glass door pleased to see that it was covered by the blinds.

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