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"KEVIN GO SHOWER NOW!" I scream from the kitchen as I make lunch for my siblings "Ugh fine" Kevin groans as he gets in the shower. "SHIT SHIT" I scream as I hold my sore toe that I stubbed and Luna looks at me with wide eyes "shit shit shit shit" she sings as she dances with a smiling face while Ivy just rolls her eyes "Luna you can't say that!" I look at the 6 year old "why" she asks with her blue eyes "because it's bad" she stops and looks at me "why?" I roll my eyes "because" she stops blinking for a moment "why? because you said it" she argues and I give her a death stare "ok fine whatever" she eats her corn flakes. Kevin runs downstairs in his uniform with his bag, "ok guys let's go before I get late for work!" The 3 bronde kids nod as they get in the Black mini Cooper. I start the car, we arrive at the school and drop them off at school "Ivy look after them please" I plead as I give them their lunch and bags "ok" Ivy nods as they get in the school. I wave bye to them before driving to the forest
As soon as i arrive in the dark forest "take me to the Underworld Incó Menîsō!" I whisper as a portal appears infront of my car and I just drive through it.

After a second I arrive in the Underworld that looks similar to a normal human city but it's full of different species ranging from Vampires to Gods and Goddesses. I drive near a building and park my car before I get out my bag, I run to the receptionist "hi there I'm Liz I'm here for a job interview with Apollo?" I smile and the lady rolls her eyes "floor 29905 and room 5" she said giving me a ticket. I run to the elevator and press the 29905 button and I am instantly in Apollo's office. I knock on his door "come in" he says in his deep voice.
I get in the office "hi I'm Liz" I reach my hand out to the God sitting in a huge chair "hello" he just glares at my hand I move my hand and sit down on the chair "so tell me about yourself" he said as he fiddled with his gold rings on his 3 fingers "I am from Chicago, I worked for hades a few months ago and I am very good with organizing and planning" I said as I put my resume papers on his desk. "What are your plans for the company?" He said flipping through my resume "to make it grow and function better" I smiled "you're a Witch?" He asked with a raised eyebrow "uh yeah" I replied feeling nervous because no one on the Underworld really liked employing witches since their 'threats' I pray to mother Hecate that one day this discrimination will end
"Mhm" he rubbed his chin looking at me "you're hired" he said putting my resume on his desk "I wanna see what it's like to have a witch as an employee" he said I looked at him shocked...i was really expecting "we would get back to you" or something but...I really wanted to dance on the spot "umm thank you so much!" I tried to hide my excitement "you'll start tomorrow morning" he said as he gestured for me to leave.

I don't hesitate and I go out his office to do a little dance. I'm so happy! I go to my car and drive back to Chicago. I pick up my 3 siblings at school "you look happy" Kevin said before closing the door "I got the job!" I squeel with Luna and Ivy. "Can we get pizza?" Kevin asked finishing his sandwich that he didn't eat during lunch "you know what yeah" I nod my head, turning the car key before we go to the local pizza store "hi can I please get 3 large pizzas?" I smile at the man behind the counter "any toppings?" He asked and I replied with "pepperoni on the first one, pineapple on the second one and BBQ beef on the third one including 3 Coca Cola drinks and 1 monster please?" The Man nodded after righting everything down "it'll be ready in a few minutes" he said before walking away "so we are gonna eat all 3 pizzas!?" Kevin asked with wide excited eyes "HELL TO THE NO NO NO!" I shouted "1 is for lunch since its still 4 pm and the second one is for if anyone gets hungry at night then the 3rd one is gonna be your lunch for tomorrow!" I smile at 3 little bronde kids "too much maths brain not function OVERLOAD" Luna pretends to be dead after saying that and people are giving us weird looks "um she's ok" I whisper and smile awkwardly to the people. "Here's your order" the Man gives us our orders "thank you" Luna says before grabbing the pizza and heading to the car. "What the-" i give the man a smile as I grab the kids to the car
We get in the car and I start driving "YOU GUYS ARE SO EMBARRASSING- LUNA YOULL EAT WHEN WE GET HOME!" I shout at them as I enter the neighborhood "UGH" Luna just roles hee eyes until we finally arrived home, everyone gets in and I lock the door after chanting a silent prayer for Mother Hecate to protect us.

"OK everyone go change while I dish up! Wash your hands too" I scream at the kids who run upstairs while I take off my shoes and wear my slippers. I head to my room and wear a t-shirt and some loose shirts with pink socks before washing my hands with soap in the bathroom. I head downstairs and start giving everyone 2 pizzas but I give myself 3 because I can! "GUYS COME DOWNSTAIRS YOUR LUNCH IS READY!" I scream as Luna and Kevin come downstairs. "Liz, Ivy is crying" Kevin says looking sad "ok eat your pizzas while I go to her ok? Your cans of cokes are on your plates" I pat Luna and Kevin's head before running upstairs to see a Ivy who's crying in a puddle of blood. "My Poison Ivy" I say softly hugging her "why is this happening?" She says with sobs "you see it's not bad... it means you're on your period" I smile at the blue eyed girl "a what?" She looks at me confused "it's when you become a woman tell you what I'll call Mrs Rodrigo to explain it to you ok?" I smile at her and she nods "ok good thing I got you pads" I say to her as I hand her pads before going on my phone to call Mrs Rodrigo our neighbor "hi Mrs R, Ivy is on her first period" I say patting ivys head while on the phone "give her the phone" she said softly and I give Ivy the phone. After a while of talking Ivy seems to brighten up "by Mrs R!" Ivy says with a smile before hanging up and hugging me "all better?" I ask and she just nods her head "now go eat your pizza and drink" I smile at her as she runs downstairs for her pizza.

Everyone including me finishes their lunch "GUYS do your homework especially you Kevin" I say glaring at a Kevin who's licking his fingers and he replies with an eye roll. He is so sassy I think he gets it from mom
I can't help but laugh at my thought, my phone is ringing and I quickly answer it "this is Liz speaking" I answer "Hey this is Apollo I sent you a document do it" he says before hanging up not allowing me to reply "what the actual..." I whisper to myself and I call him back "hello?" He says "didn't you say I start tomorrow at 8 am?" I say trying to hide my annoyance "now I say you start now" he says still calm and collected "well we need to have communication-" before I can finish this God interrupts me "You want the job right?" I look at my siblings doing their homework "yes" I sigh "then do it" he says before hanging up I just scream into my fists "fucking bitch" I mutter under my breath. I take my laptop out and I look through these documents on the businesses production and stuff and I print them making sure there's no mistakes. After 3 hours it's 9 pm and Ivy walks up to me "um we're hungry" she says "what time is it?" I ask her "it's 9 pm" she replies looking at the clock on the wall "oh my gosh um you guys are supposed to be sleeping...hold on" I run to the kitchen and give everyone 3 slices of pizza each so they don't crave Midnight snacks. I hand it to them before running back to my laptop. After a few more hours I'm done editing and fixing the document I see a sleeping Kevin on the stairs while Luna and Ivy are in their rooms that they share. I carry Kevin to his room and I lay him down before kissing his forhead. I slowly close the door, before pouring myself a glass of red wine and eating the 3 left over slices. I sit on the couch before sending the document back to Apollo. I scroll on my phone after finishing my pizza and wine, I look at mom's Instagram and she's at her sugar daddy's house and I roll my eyes before slamming my laptop shut. I run to my room and lay on my bed "I pray tomorrow isn't fucked" I pray before falling asleep.

Word count: 1668

I ate so shut up! Thanks for reading ❤️

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