Chapter Seven: How the Four Heroines Were Sorted

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A/N: I hate homework. 


The Great Hall was beautiful. As the doors opened for the first years, the other students cheered. There were candles floating in thin air and it seemed like the roof was opened to reveal a sparkling starry sky.

The first years walked in the middle of the four tables and stood in a cluster in front of an old stool with the Sorting Hat on top of it. "I will call your name and you come up and sit down," McGonagall explained.

Of course it was in alphabetical order, which meant Izzy was the first to be sorted. Here is what the hat said to her (Ellie couldn't hear it of course):

The hat took a sharp intake of breath. "There is a lot ahead for you. Most of your family has been Slytherins and perhaps you do have a little bit of Slytherin in you but it's mostly overruled by... GRYFFINDOR!"

Ellie clapped and cheered for Izzy, who looked very nervous as she sat down at the Gryffindor table. Fawley was only one letter away, and Ellie would be called before Mellie. She took a few deep breaths. Two more people were sorted and then her name was called. "Fawley, Ellianna!"

She was fidgeting with her hands as she walked up to the stool nervously and she could feel her cheeks heat up as a few hundred eyes were looking at her. McGonagall put on the hat and all she saw was darkness. "Hello there," the hat talked right into her ear. "You have so much Hufflepuff in you, so that is what it should be, but then..." the hat trailed off as she heard it thinking, mumbling nonsense to itself. "You are going to have to prove yourself soon. That will take much bravery. Better be, GRYFFINDOR!" Ellie sighed in relief and ripped the hat off herself, running over to the Gryffindor table and sitting down across from Izzy. 

Mellie was called right after Ellie. Mellie walked up on stage with an air of confidence that Ellie admired as McGonagall placed the hat on her head. She looked much more calm than Ellie had been in her life.

"What do we have here?" the hat said. "An amazing brain, bravery, ambition, and kindness buried deep. You clearly fit all the houses, but only one can be chosen. RAVENCLAW!"

Ellie's heart sank when she heard the house name. They wouldn't be together. It was the only time that they had been really, truly separated. Ellie felt tears prick her eyes but forced herself not to cry. Mellie was happy with her house placement, from the way she was smiling while the house cheered and Ellie could always talk to her in the hall. She told her brain that it would be okay.

Izzy was smiling at her, comforting. Ellie blinked. Her eyes really did have a tint of red in them. She wondered how that happened. Was it natural? Lots of other kids were sorted into all of the houses. A particularly smug pureblood girl (Ellie recognized the last name) was sorted into Slytherin. With more thought, that girl was one of the girls Ellie's parents set her up to play with when she was little. Her name was Annabelle. She hadn't been very nice.

After a long wait, Gemi was called. "Thompson, Gemella!" Gemi walked up and said to McGonagall,

"It's Gemi."

A few people laughed and even McGonagall cracked a smile. Gemi covered her mouth. "Oh, was I not supposed to say that? Sorry." 

She sat down quickly and McGonagall placed the hat on her head. It said, "Oh my. You have a long road ahead of you, my dear. But your heart is kind and only a true Gryffindor like you will get through it. Best of luck. GRYFFINDOR!"

Gemi ran off the stool with the hat still on her head, then blushed furiously and ran back to give the hat to McGonagall. Some more kids laughed.

Gemi joined the others at a table, grinning and looking thoughtful at the same time. A few other kids were sorted and finally the food appeared. Ellie's stomach gurgled happily to which she blushed and tried to shut it up by shoving some Shepherd's Pie in her mouth.

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