Ice Queen's downfall

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"My dear 'Mahpeyker'

It's been a while since I heard from you. Did you arrive safe & sound at Hogwarts? Did the Sorting Ceremony go well? I wonder what did the others think about such a rare moment, when someone starts Hogwarts a bit late. A week ago I got a letter from Professor Fig, saying you're doing well. At least I can sleep peacefully, for as long as your well-being is fine. Did you make any friends anyway?

I can't wait to see you at Christmas, I promise I'll make sure your father won't make another scheme against you.

With lots of love,


Aida felt, her heart filled with warmth, as she read her grandmother's letter. Indeed, they haven't spoken since Nana escorted her to London on the day of her departure. Her lips curled into a soft smile reading the letter again. Nana was the only one who truly cared for her. And they can meet at the Christmas family gathering soon. She took a quill to write a reply.

"Dear Nana,

Honestly I'm happy to hear from you. Please keep this between us, my trip didn't go as well as we planned. You won't believe it, but a dragon came out of nowhere & attacked us. Luckily Professor Fig & I apparated quickly before something terrible could have happened. I almost missed the Sorting Ceremony, since unfortunately we arrived late, but the Headmaster was kind enough to give me a chance at last. The Sorting Hat decided to put me into the Slytherin House eventually. The community isn't bad. I met a boy, Sebastian, but he's getting on my nerves. He seems nice, but at the same time he sometimes annoys me.

Regardless, I'm doing well. I can't wait to see you at Christmas, even though it's two months away, yet I plan to write to you again.


She read it again, before sealed it & sent Hürrem away. In a way, she misses her grandmother so much, but soon they can see each other within months.

She left her room & took a walk around the school. The weather outside was pleasant & it was still a bit warm in these afternoon hours. She walked through the northern gate & took a walk enjoying the scenery. And since she was outdoors, she searched for ingredients for some potions to brew later.

She was near the edge of the Forbidden Forest, even though she was told not to enter, especially not at night, yet she really needed those missing ingredients. She reached the edge of the stream, where she found some leeches. She carefully collected some of them, while she kept listening to her surroundings, hoping nothing, or no one passes by & notices her, since she heard poachers set camps deep in the woods.

She heard a noise from afar. She noticed a figure slowly approaching a camp. Aida snuck after the person under the disillusionment charm. As she got closer, she recognised her.

- Poppy? - she whispered in surprise while she lifted up the charm, revealing herself, still hidden by the trees.
- Oh, Aida. You almost scared me for a moment.
- I didn't mean to... uhm... can I ask, what are you planning to do?
- I heard poachers set up a camp nearby. They captured beasts, I just want to rescue them!

Oh Poppy, God made you too precious for this world, she thought, knowing how fond she is for animals, remembering back to the last Beasts class. Even though she didn't really have any interest toward such activities, yet she cannot describe herself as a cruel person.

- Aren't you a bit bold to face alone? - she asked. - No offense, but... - she looked at her small figure.
- Are you saying you want to offer your help? Well, I would appreciate it then. - Poppy's voice was filled with gratitude. - Aida, please, I promise I will return the favor, whatever you want!

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now