A Promise Kept

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Boruto: Kawaki.. Don't tell me you were using yourself as bait to draw Code out?

Kawaki: I told you to stay out of it Boruto! You two are gonna get yourselves killed!

Kaaru: So that's why he's been avoiding me. Tch.

Boruto: That's my line idiot.

Kaaru: Plus, you know how we are. How could we not follow you?!

Kawaki: Damnit...then all three of us are fools then. Hey code! Weren't you taking me somewhere?! Ignore them, let's go.

Kaaru: ?!

Boruto: Whoa...What are you talking about?!

Kawaki: Butt out Boruto! Quit interfering with my business! You too, Kaaru!

Boruto: Don't be so reckless! With me here...Dad and the others can track my chakra and come help us! We just need to hold out till then!

Kawaki: But, that's what I'm trying to avoid! You're missing the whole point!

Kaaru: Something ain't right here. What's this uneasy feeling that I have?!

Boruto: What?!

Kawaki: I won't let lord seventh die! Even if it costs me my life!

Kaaru: He's too caught up in his delusions that it'll be impossible to change his mind.

Boruto: Kawaki...

Kaaru: Tch nothing is happening. *Looks over at boruto* I think he's strong enough to handle things from here. Boruto, can you handle things from here?

Boruto: Yeah, why?

Kaaru: *narrows his eyes* There's something I want to try.

Kaaru explodes away and makes his way back to the village. It doesn't take him long to get there as he sees people gathered in the street.

Naruto: Kaaru! Where have you been?!

Kaaru: About 40 clicks northwest! Hurry Boruto and Kawaki are fighting Code!

Himawari: Kaaru!

Kaaru jogs over to himawari and takes her hands into his.

Kaaru: Himawari. There's something that I want to try! If it works then I need you to keep it and give it back to me later ok?

Himawari: I don't know what's going on but ok.

Kaaru activates his karma as he begins to glow orange. He closes his eyes as he focuses his thoughts.

Kaaru: Something isn't right. Code is a bit...too intelligent about the happenings around the village. It's either a mole in the village or he has someone in his corner with an all seeing eye. If something happens in the future, listen to this message. Don't. Trust. Kawaki. If he's still around that is.

Kaaru continues to hold Himawari's hands as a small glowing ball forms in her open palms. It then takes form as a beautiful orange diamond. Kaaru finally opens his eyes as he looks at the diamond he just created.

Kaaru: *talking so only he and himawari can hear* Himawari. This jewel contains a message for the future. If by any means that something changes, give this to me if I have to come back to the village okay?

Himawari: Okay. Are you going back to fight?

Kaaru: Yeah, you and miss Hinata be safe okay? I'll try my best to bring back Kawaki with Boruto.

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