Let's Talk

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Leaving here is the last thing I want to do. Waking up this morning I find myself thinking about my son in the guest room at home. Our relationship is complicated and every time we are together I am reminded over and over that the break in our relationship is my fault. It seems like almost all of our conversation end in an argument. He'll loosely throws around "hate", I despise every opportunity he takes to use it. Damn, I really don't know how this conversation will go.

Gradually I'm able to bring myself back to the room and out of my thoughts. Fantasia has me in a hold that I can't easily get out of. I reach over to look at the time on my phone and it's still pretty early. I try to ease my way out of her arms but doing so only makes her bring me closer. Tasia, I call her name lovingly, her response a murmur. I can't breath baby,  I exaggerate a gasp thinking it would cause her to loosen up. In my final attempt, I reach my hand down and tap her leg. Baby, please let me get up. She grunts as she releases her grip.

Where are you going?  She questions sitting up pulling the sheet to cover her upper body as she stretches towards her toes before looking down at me. I chuckle at how adorable she made the moment. Grabbing some of the sheet to cover myself I sit up as well. She leans over to give me a kiss but I block her lips with my hand. Morning breath babe, I say turning my face. She grabs the pillow from behind her and playfully hits with it. I laugh at the gesture and block the second swing.

I turn my body to position myself with my feet on the floor waiting for my body to respond to getting up. I leave the sheet behind picking up my robe making my way towards the bathroom.

I'm going home. I locate a new toothbrush in the drawer under the sink and hold out Fantasia's as she walks in the bathroom robed. She grudgingly grabs the toothbrush while rolling her eyes. Unamused by her reaction I shrug my shoulders and start my dental hygiene routine.

Are you having your talk today? She questions as I spit out the remnants of used toothpaste and saliva. I thought about it this morning but I'll see once I get there. I finish my statement pooling water in my mouth for a rinse. I watch Fantasia through the mirror patterning my steps.

How do you feel about your conversation with Sir? I say turning my body around to relax on the bathroom sink admiring her curves as she leans on the counter over the sink. Flashbacks appear of her position from last night causing me to beam from ear to ear. Hmmm.... I still feel uneasy about the way he showed up plus his attitude was off. He was demanding and that was the opposite of how he dealt with me leading up to the divorce. She stands up tapping the toothbrush on the edge of the basin causing me frown. We look in each other's eyes and she chuckles at my expressions. I saw you through the mirror, you're no better than a man.

I mean do you blame me.

T, seriously, I don't want to talk to him. The divorce is happening ,what is there to talk about? He made his choice and I'm making mine. I throw my hands up while nodding my head. That's your choice baby.

She places both of our toothbrushes back in the draw before walking over. Tilting her head down we exchange a kiss. Do you have to leave now? She questions me removing a piece of the robe's fabric that was covering my shoulder. You had all the fun last night, she says into my ear as she moves to nibble on my earlobe. By nature, I place my arms around her waist. You'll see me later. She grunts at my response. Hey, I'm gonna shower to freshen up, you can join me if you want. I say as I grab her chin and biting down on my bottom lip. I guffaw at the quick removal of her robe. She reaches the shower before me stepping in leaving the door open.


Opening my front door cautiously entering my home,  I had have little hope that we will have a  positive conversation. My phone lights up in my hand with a notification from Fantasia.

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