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it was evening as you laid in bed with your tiny puppy, aein

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it was evening as you laid in bed with your tiny puppy, aein. your fingers were tangled up in her soft, white fur as she laid her small body on the pillow next to you, looking at you adoringly with her big eyes as you were one of her parents, afterall.

the house was silent and calm, you and aein being the only beings in the place. she licked your hand and you smiled down at her. the sound of your doorbell ringing once had disturbed the silence suddenly, the sound bouncing off the walls. aein's little head raised from the bed and she tilted her head to the side curiously, letting out one loud bark in reply to the sound.

you slowly sat up before getting out of your bed, aein watching you and leaping off aswell, running for the door as if she could open it herself. you followed behind her with tranquil steps, ruffling your hair. your eyes adjusted to the lights as you flicked them on in the living room, heading to the front door where aein pawed at the door impatiently and wagged her little white tail, claws dragging across it.

you unlocked the front door and creaked it open a bit, peeking out for a second before opening it fully, not really surprised at the fact it was your ex standing there. his brows raised slightly as he looked at you- your hair slightly tousled from being in bed all day, the light eyebags under your eyes as you weren't wearing makeup, the sight of you in your comfy home clothes.

aein seemed to be a lot more enthusiastic at the sight of beomgyu, oblivious to the tension and awkward eye contact between you both as she pounced onto beomgyu, barking happily as her little body practically shook from how hard her tail wagged at the sight of her other 'parent'. "hey, aein," a smile grew on beomgyu's face and he kneeled down to the little pup, petting her.

you stood there and watched for a bit, your hand on the door. you then turned and picked up aein's carrier, packed with her stuff and placed it down in front of you. beomgyu's gaze flickered to you constantly, shooting you long glances. "so, uh, how've you been?" he spoke up, innocently wanting to create conversation. you looked down at the floor before catching his eye, looking back at him. "okay," you replied simply, leaning against the door as you held it open.

"yeah? me too," beomgyu replied before standing up, aein sitting at his feet as he cleared his throat. his hands went into his pockets and his gaze was everywhere. aein's little beady eyes flickered between you both and she barked once, wanting her parents' attention. it was then your turn to kneel down and pet her, watching her waddle to you and rub against your hand as you petted her.

it was silent for a minute or so. you looked up from the little white pup to the dark sky, which had long faded into a dark blue as the evening passed and the dark clouds appeared. a dark, cloudy, gloomy night. you hummed softly. "so, you been busy lately?" beomgyu spoke up again and you shook your head. "besides college, no. not really," you replied softly.

beomgyu nodded in reponse to your words and looked up at the sky aswell- it was pretty chilly out. it wasn't long until little droplets of water started to fall from the sky, sprinkling at first. beomgyu raised a brow and held out his palm toward the sky, catching some of the droplets. "huh, its raining?" his words caught your attention and you glanced at him before looking at the sky. the smell of wet pavement and rain had already started to come over you.

you resisted the urge to ask 'shouldn't you get home?' and watched as the rain started to pour in quicker, beomgyu pulling up his hoodie over his head. you both looked at each other for a second before speaking up at the same time, "hey, want to-" "i think i should get..." you both quickly shut up at your words overlapping. "sorry, you can go first." beomgyu smiled sheepishly.

"oh, do you have to go home?" you replied soon after, looking up at him. "no, i'm in no rush. what were you gonna ask?" beomgyu looked at you curiously, watching you stand up. aein was sitting between both of you, tail thumping against the ground. "i was... gonna ask if you wanted to come inside," you answered quietly over the sound of the pitter-pattering of rain.

"really?" beomgyu beamed. "i would like that," he added, trying not to seem too happy. aein barked and jumped up, tail wagging before she ran straight into the rain. "aein-!" you called, beomgyu's gaze following her as she yipped and ran through puddles of rainwater on the road, not hesitating as he trailed right behind her.

you stood in your doorway watching in almost concern as he picked up the small puppy, whom was soaking wet then stepping inside the house before setting her down. you closed and locked the front door behind you, looking at the small pup who had just ran straight into the pouring rain without hesitation- tongue lolled out, dripping rainwater onto your floor with her soggy, white fur as she sat there.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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