0.2 | introduction

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Carina Seren Black was known for being the "Stone Cold" Black. Rumor has it that In her chest, an echo hollow, devoid of warmth. Her eyes like ice, a demeanor frosty and calm. A statue of frost, a heart turned to stone.

Silent and stoic, a tempest in calm.

Maybe that's what's being a Black does. People starts judging and stereotyping you like they know you. "She's not a saint." "She's not what you think she is." were the common misconception about her.

Carina never really had friends. Sure she had some acquaintances, but that was it. She was always all alone. All alone with the voices in her head to accompany her.

Echoes of silence paint her somber tune,
Loneliness, a silent, melancholy moon.

But to her brothers, she was everything.

To Sirius Black, she was the only blood family that cared for him. She had attended him whenever she had the chance. Despite him being labeled as a "disgrace" by his family when he defied tradition when he was sorted into Gryffindor, she was always there for him. Even the little things she does for him meant the world for him. He bathed in sunlight's golden embrace every time his big sister was there for him.

To Regulus Black, she was the only one he could reach out for. She was always there for him, always there to be the best role model he could ever have, his big sister. She was the only one who was there. With the burden he carries on his shoulders, she was always there to help him. Her comforting presence, a reassuring twist. Guiding him through shadows, where courage was dim. She was the only family he had.

You could imagine the air of sorrow when she suddenly left.

did she actually just left everything behind?

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