Chapter 4

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At Apartment

"We can make some egg fried rice (mahh favourite ) today sound's great right?" Tae said to himself all alone in his apartment

Ding dong ~~~

"Coming "
"Tae, are you cooking " The person asked to the boy in apron

"Coming ""Tae, are you cooking " The person asked to the boy in apron

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"huh yes noona " he scratched his nape
"But, you aren't good at it?"
"I can just try " Tae pouted
"Okay ; Then Take this she handed him a bowl, Its some vegetable rice " she said to the boy who confusely looking at her


"How's it?"
"It's yummy noona"
"Well Afterall Its made by me " she flipped her hair
"Ohh that's why Taeya noona always appreciate your food "
Jeona blushed hearing her wife's name
"Ohh Are you blushing noona?"
"No you brat "
"What's so special to this day "
"Nothing special, I want to make some to my brother that's it" jeona genuinely said to Tae who gave her a boxy smile

"hows taeya noona"
"She is fine and healthy, she is so sweet"
"Only For you, when she was in orphanage with me she always maintain a cold posture than a boy" Tae said to Taeya's wifeu
"but she is a baby my baby"
"Love blooms again~~😂"
SMACK jeona smacked his head

In orphanage, Tae get so many brothers and sisters, Taeya is one of his best noona she is so cold and calm BUT


Time 10:15 pm

"What a tiring day " Taeya said to herself, Her ID card says that she works in CASCADE PVT LIM...

"Excuse me"
"Could you---
"Are you blind or something? I dont have any car or anything with me" taeya cut out the person in middle without hearing actual
"First of all I'm not blind and second I came to say that could you walk me to the bus station?"
"Ohh Are you New here"
"No "
"Then?" She asked rasing her eyebrows
"I don't want to go alone"

"Just shut up girl" Taeya said irritatedly
to the girl who is blabbering about her baby bamie🐶
"Its my mouth I will talk as much as I want and my name is jeona not girl"
"So you aren't girl" Taeya mocked her
"No Im a Transgender, jeona said casually said to Taeya whose mouth is agape
Kidding " she added
"Your Name "

Again she starts to blabbering about god knows what.

"Ohh my jesus she is testing my
patience " Taeya in mind
"And you know what my neighbour--

"Shut up" Taeya said to jeona whose hand is pinned by her (taeya) on the street wall
"Heyy wha--- she shut her mouth instantly whe her eyes met with dark hazel eyes

"If you will start again, I will kiss you"
Taeya warned her
"huh No"
"Then, shut your mouth"
"Meanie " jeona jutted her lips out
Taeya eyed her glossy pink cherry lips and try to ignore it when she feels weird
She cleared her throat and continue to walk with a silent girl behind

In Bus

"Taeya, come'ere " jeona shouted crazily looked behind to Taeya who told sorry to passengers who gives judging looks she ignore her and seated beside a woman
"Come'ere na, there is one seat left " again shouted
"Go to that girl, Taeya looked at the woman beside her... Otherwise she will explode my ears"

"heyy move " jeona shouted to a woman who seated beside her
"Oldy, move this is my Taeya's seat"
Try to move her but no use...
"This is governments not your Taeya's "
Woman spatted to her

"I already told you na, to come'ere ha Now look this oldy took the chance"
Jeona shouted to taeya who downed her head embarrassedly...

Chaos begin......


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