CHAPTER 9: 1 V 1

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Hosu City, No POV
As the sports festival is in full swing a certain killer is in the allys of, the city of, Hosu. This killer is looking for his next target. His targets are the false heroes. The heroes that are only interested in fame, mony and power. To him all heroes are fake unlike All Might who is a true hero.
But as a hero in full metal armour is running through the ally as he trys to cut of a vilan that they are chasing. Before he has to dodg a katana by jumping back. As the vilan then attacks again with a viscous downward slice the hero jumps back only missing getting hit by mere millimetres. But what the hero didn't expect was the small knife that the killer had in his left hand. But before he could dodg or block the attacks the killer managed to get the small knife between the gaps in his shoulder and draw enough blood for his quirk. Bit what the killer was not expecting was that 4 men in armor would enter the fray. "Hero Killer: Stain. Surrender now or die." The man that is presumably the leader says as the he and one othere point their rifles at him. Behind them two more are moving the downed hero to a safe distance as a Medi-vac is on route along with a separate transport for the hero killer.
The hero killer not saying a word just gets into a ready stance to attack. "Hero killer I take it that you chose to fight than. With that in mined. For your crimes agents heroes and you unwillingness to surrender to us, by the by order of the UNNC I, Maverick, sentences you to death." Maverick says as he and Iceman both fier at the vilan infront of them. "Slider how long till Medi-vac gets her?" Maverick then asks as he comffumes the kill and sicures the body. "The are 2 klicks out" Slider says as Cougar performs field med so that the hero doesn't die from blood loss. "Copy that." Maverick says as Iceman sicuers the area.
By the time the Medi-vac lands the hero want to know who they are. "Ingenium. We are members of GS01. Captain Izuku Midoriya Callsine Maverick. We are on assignment at UA as security at the moment. But to answer your next question as to why we wore in Hosu..." Maverick says as he and Iceman both accompany the hero to the hospital.
<Flash Back>
In the stands Izuku is watching the games before the first round of the 1 V 1s. Around him is his team as they sit in the top row. "Kat. You ready to go against Monoma? Cos you are now representing the whole team so no pressure." Izuku says with a straight face. "Hell you think?!" Katsuki all but yells at Izuku.
"Lady's and Gentlemen! It is now the time you have all been waiting for. The first round of the final event of this year's firm year sports festival! Now with out further ado let me introduce the competitors. On thr left we have, from the hero courses class 1A the explosive power house that is Bakugo Katsuki! Now on the right also from the hero course! It 1Bs copy cat! It Monoma Neito! Now the rules are simple. No killing, the winer will be decided by either KOing your opponent, sending them out of bounds or if you step out of bound. Now othere than that let pass you over to are ref whilst you at home grab some snacks, sit back and enjoy the show." Mic says with his usual dramatics.
"Now are you boys ready?" Midnight asks getting a 'yeah' from Monoma whil Katsuki just starts to use his quirk. Just as Midnight brings down her whip and yes start. Both Katsuki and Monoma run at eachother. Neither using their Quirks. Katsuki opens with a faint using a right cross making Monoma Dodge right. Katsuki using Monomas momentum sends a left kick straight to his side. He then delivers a round house kick to the side of his head. Monoma stumbles slightly but remains standing. Monoma then sends an open palm strike straight to Katsukis chest pushing him back a bit. Katsuki jumping back to put some space between them then gets into a Muay Thai stance befor Monoma then runs at him forgetting his training foe a second. Monoma then uses a straight jab among foe the face. Katsuki leans back to dodge using his momentum he sends a strate kick to the Solar Plexus, followed by a axe kick to the top of the head slaming Monoma into the concrete. Everyone in the stands are on the edge of their seats waiting for the outcome.
Down in arena Midnight approaches the two before starting the count. "1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... Monoma Neito is unable to continue. Bakugo Katsuki is the Winner!" Midnight calls out as a cheer goes up through the crowd.
It's after Bakugos fight that Izuku gets an alert for the Hero killer: Stain.
"Iceman, Slider, Couger. With me. Goose your in comand till we get back." Izuku says geting up.
Outside the stadium Izuku and his team are in there T.B.A where they get picked up by a V-22 Osprey.
Flying over Japan Izuku gives his team there orders and puts together some strategies for the upcoming fight. When they get 2 klicks out they all jump out of the plane landing a few blocks from the targets last known location. Moving with cortisone they walk down the allys till they here the sound of battle.
<Flash Back End>
"... so you see when we get a message from the UN to bring in a high value target by any means necessary we don't sit around. No offence to you hero that do the job for the people. But you see the nicer side of vilans. Don't get me wrong you heroes put your lives on the line on a daily but we are here if it turns into a situation that could affect the world. And sadly that has brought my team to Japan. Don't get me wrong we love the job but we love sitting on a beach more. So when we get called only way they leave is in a box." Maverick says walking to the cockpit. "He is right and wrong. Right in what he means but wrong in his delivery. Maverick will never have a bedside manner. Wouldn't know how to sugar cote it if hut him in the face. Always blunt and straight to the point. If he didn't think you will live he will tell you, your a dead man. Hell he ask us all to write are wills the minute we got asined to his team. Don't get me wrong he does care, he just knows how to do his job." Iceman says explaining Izuku way of handling things.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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