Chapter : 3

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They both walked upstairs to their father's office. As they entered the office, they found their father, Ryan, seated behind his desk, a cigar in his left hand. He had changed into casual clothes, a clear sign that he was ready for bed.

Reyansh walked inside with a blank expression, taking a seat in front of the desk. Antonio followed suit, sitting in the chair next to his elder brother.

Reyansh settled into the chair opposite his father, meeting his gaze with a steady look. "You wanted to see us, Dad?"

Ryan's eyes narrowed as he focused on Antonio. "I know where Antonio was this late at night, but what about you? Where were you, out so late and without anyone knowing?" His gaze then shifted to Reyansh, a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

Reyansh remained composed, his voice firm as he responded to his father's inquiry. "I had to take a few business calls, Dad," he explained. "Thought I'd take a walk to clear my head while handling some important matters."

Ryan scrutinized his elder son for a moment, his expression unreadable. "Business calls, hm?" he mused, his tone skeptical. "Very well, Reyansh. Just make sure you inform someone next time you decide to wander off late at night."

Ryan studied his eldest son for a moment before nodding slowly. "Alright. I expect you both to be more responsible in the future. Antonio, you need to be home on time."

Antonio nodded earnestly, while Reyansh simply nodded his head in acknowledgment.

Ryan sighed and began, "Antonio, you know how risky it is to go outside alone. Yet, you keep doing it. Grow up, kiddo. There are people out there ready to harm us just to seize control."

Antonio nodded seriously, understanding the gravity of his father's words. I know, Dad,"he admitted. "I just... I want a taste of a normal high school life without all this mafia stuff. But I understand now, and I promise I won't do it again."

Reyansh, observing the interaction, understood one thing clearly. That 'The families' were plotting something serious, and his father was well aware of the coming danger.

Ryan turned to his elder son, addressing Reyansh directly. "Reyansh, I kept you hidden from this mafia world because people were after you even before you were born, simply because you are my firstborn and the heir to this throne. I sent you away to keep you safe and alive. I feel guilty for keeping you away, but it was to protect you. I don't want anyone to discover the secret we've kept for the past 22 years."

Reyansh absorbed his father's words, fully aware of the weight of their family's secret. In the eyes of the outside world, Antonio was the sole son of Ryan Matteo, the heir apparent to the American Mafia empire. Except his from his both families only a select few, including their trusted house butler Sean, Ryan's confidant and right-hand man Dione, and a couple of guards stationed at the main gate, knew the truth about Reyansh being the elder son and true heir of the Matteo family.

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