Chapter 01

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The sun was shining on the glistening snow on this cold winter day. It was not a normal day, it was my- our- birthday. Well, I love this day, especially when its other name is the day of love- valentines day. My brother Laurie on the other hand isn't really interested in such 'foolish things' like he used to call it. But still, it is our day and we're not getting bullied by the others. I swirl around in my yellow dress in front of my mirror. I always loved colors while Laurie mostly wears neutral colors. You can say that we are different like day and night, but our bond is stronger than any other. Maybe because we are different- freaks. He saved me every time they were making fun of me when I wore another colorful dress and grew flowers out of nowhere. The kids from the orphanage and school don't like us, the weird twins. I used to be sad by these thoughts but today nothing can take my happiness. „Ara, are you finished by dancing in front of your mirror?" I smiled when I heard my brothers words. If there's one thing only Laurie can, then it's knowing what people are doing or thinking, especially me. He never fails. „Coming!" I looked around and put some self- made earrings on, which are looking like a mushroom. I opened the old door with a creak and saw my slightly smiling brother leaning against the wall. He opened his arms and I fell right into them. „Happy Birthday, Laurie." I smiled. „Happy birthday, Ara." And there we are, standing in the cold hallway, hugging. „We need to hurry, we don't want Bobby to eat everything before us." Smiled Laurie. Bobby was one of the other kids in this orphanage who loves to eat and bully us, but we couldn't care less. We walked together down the slippery staircase, careful not to fall. In the dining hall were already a lot of other kids breakfasting. We always choose the seats in the back so we could eat in peace. Mrs. Brown, my favorite worker here, comes straight to us. „Happy Birthday, Ara." She hugged me tightly. Mrs. Brown is a woman in her early 40s with light brown hair and bright green eyes filled with love. She let go of me and hugged Laurie. „And Happy Birthday, Laurie." She smiled. She loves her work and children and never judged us because we are different. „Someone called today. Both of you will have a visitor today." Laurie and I looked at each other with the same question: A visitor? Never wanted someone to visit us. Mrs. Brown runs to another kid wo cried because of Bobby. We took our food and sat on our place. Now there is this one question: Who wants to visit us? „Maybe it is a relative?" I asked straight away. Laurie just nodded, not really convinced. „Everyone said all our relatives are dead." Slowly I nodded. I didn't plan to think about this today, on our birthday. Laurie was right though. We don't have anyone who could take us. So who wants to visit us? „I guess we'll have to wait." Laurie muttered. His face was calculating, like always. His forehead curled slightly, no one would notice but I do. His eyes, on the other hand, are drifting into another realm when he's thinking. The grey is turning slightly darker or maybe I'm just imagining that. One of his loose hair falls into his face, which happens more often now that Laurie is letting his hair growing. I take that one strand and put it behind his ear, I always used to do that. Maybe it is just us, just me and Laurie. The twins against the whole world. Silently I promise to myself that I'll never let Laurie go.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

We're sitting on my bed, feeling all jittery. Laurie's leg is bouncing like crazy, just like it always does when he's nervous. He doesn't even notice it most times. I'd never judge him. I'm no better with picking at my nails and fidgeting with my dress. One thing we share: when we're nervous, we're annoying to others. Time passes, and it's 3 in the afternoon. All the other kids are playing in the snow, and I can hear Mrs. Brown shouting, trying to stop the snowball fight through the thin windows. Due to the fact that these windows are leaking, cool air comes in a breeze and makes me shiver. The orphanage is hell during the winter; it's old, and most of the time there are freezing temperatures. While I absolutely can't stand cold weather, Laurie doesn't mind. It's like he can't even freeze. Sometimes, when I'm thinking about our differences, I wonder from whom our traits are. Am I more like our mother or our father? How did they look? I guess our parents must have had their differences like Laurie and I have. Laurie stopped bouncing his leg and is now looking through my room. I have a single dorm with a lot of decorations I bought with the little pocket money we get. I used to have a dorm partner multiple times, but because of my nightmares, all the other kids were anxious and scared. It's weird; I don't have them anymore, but when I had them, they were haunting me every single night. Mrs. Brown sent me to several therapists, hoping that I'll get better. They didn't help though. The weird thing is that Laurie doesn't have them. A knock on the door interrupted us, and we winced together. Laurie was the first who had his voice back. "Come in." We looked expectant at the old wooden door, which opened with a creak as always. This orphanage had its better times. Laurie started bouncing his leg again, and it makes me slowly insane. An old lady comes in with special clothing. I liked that style; it's not something everyone would wear, that's why. Her grey hair is put up in a bun and made her look serious. "Good afternoon, Miss Williams and Mister Williams. My name is Professor McGonagall. May I?" She pointed to my chair near my desk, and I nodded. Slowly she walked towards it and sits down. The chair let out a creak like everything in this building. "First of all, I wish you a happy birthday; may all your wishes come true." Her lips curled up, revealing a smile. "Thank you." We said at the same time, and I grinned at Laurie. I put my hand on his knee, knowing he feels overwrought and uneasy near strangers. Or maybe I just want to be near him, feeling his comfort. The woman looked through my small room, viewing all my pictures with Laurie. "I'm here to tell you that you've been accepted to visit our school. It's not a normal school; you won't learn the same things as your friends here." A school? "But we're good at school; we can't afford a private school or something like that." Laurie's voice was calm, but I know that is directly the opposite of his real feelings. He's good at hiding things, but not for me. I'll notice everything and he'll too. "Don't worry. The school is for special people like you and me." Laurie didn't look convinced though. This professor handed us a letter for each one. Amantha Carina Williams, small dorm in the west wing was written in cursive letters. I opened this letter with shaky hands, mentally cursing that I'm that nervous.

Dear Miss. Williams, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I stopped reading further, only reading this one sentence. School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? What kind of a bad joke is that? I looked at the woman, but her expression remained serious. "Wait. This isn't a trap?" I asked without realizing I said that out loud. Laurie next to me is still reading his letter all over again quietly, but his face says all. Again, his forehead is slightly wrinkled; his leg is bouncing up and down again, and he ran his fingers through his hair. "No, it isn't. You're a witch, Miss Williams. And Mister Williams is a wizard. You're someone like me. And Hogwarts is a school that teaches you how to control your magic." If that is really a joke then it would be a good one. "Can you prove it?" I hit Laurie with my elbow, giving him the look parents would normally do when you're mean. I know Laurie didn't want to sound that skeptical. The woman- what was her name again?- sighed and stood up from the chair. It creaked again. I blinked, expectantly waiting what she'll do, and then she was gone. Laurie made a surprised sound while I looked around. There was a cat, a really sweet-looking cat. Was that the woman? Within the next blink, she stood there like before. "Wow." It was only a whisper but I think she heard it. Questions filled up my mind and I know Laurie has them too. "And we learn to do such things there?" I asked my first one. The professor sits on the chair again- which creaked again of course- wearing a slightly amused expression. "Well, not particularly that, I'm an animagus, it's a complicated process we don't teach. I'll be your teacher in transfiguration, a class where you turn an animal into a cup, for example. You'll have several classes that cover up a wide range of education." Laurie sits up straighter than before, leaning slightly forward and soaks all the information up. He always was a learner, even outside of school. "What subjects do we have?" he asks curiously. "There're many classes; you can look through your list of books. I'm quite devastated that we don't have enough time for explanations, but you'll need your books and the other things you need. I guess we'll go buying it all and maybe we'll have time later on. Does that sound like a play to you?" She stands up from that chair and smiled down to us. I jumped up, overmotivated, looking down on Laurie. He just mumbled something; I didn't really catch what, and stands up slower than me. "I'll talk to the head of home; we'll meet downstairs by the entrance, alright? And dress warmly; it's cold outside." And with that she was gone through the door. "This is one way of a birthday present." Laurie smiled at me.

Author's Note:
Hello again! So, I've had this idea that the twins were born on February 14th, Valentine's Day. I kind of imagine McGonagall as Ara's role model. Even though Ara and Laurie seem quite different, like day and night, they have more in common than they think. Let me know how you like it so far ;)

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