Chapter 1: Time to Go

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Somewhere in Utah...many years later

My eyelids felt heavy as I stirred out of my sleep. I open my eyes and the first thing I see is the fan circulating. I sit up from my bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes as I recall that dream...nightmare I scoff at the word "More like a memory" I mutter to myself bitterly. I threw my covers off me and climbed off my bed and think of that nightmarish hell that ruined and scared us forever, the clanking of metal downstairs stirs me out of my thought 'Must be one of the boys cooking breakfast'.

  As I walked down the stairs, the smell of eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast filled my nose. I walked to the kitchen and smiled at the man coking on the stove 'James, always the chef' I thought fondly. My heart tugged in pain at the memory of dad teaching me how to cook with James while David played tag with Keluka and mom's smiling face.

David snapping his fingers was what brought me out of my daze. I looked at him and smiled "Good morning Renée" he said and threw his happy-go-lucky smile. "Hey twin" I replied playfully. His right eye twitched in annoyance at that nick-name and sat down at the dining room.

   James handed me two plates and said "Go put them on the table, Miss Doll" I scowled at him and he laughed as he went back to cook one more serving for himself. I walked around the counter and placed one plate in front of David and another in front of me. I watched him look up and stare at me inventively "What's wrong sis?" he asked, I could hear a hint of worry in his voice. I looked away as I played with my fork and looked back at me brother's face. 'My face' I thought.

     It was ironic that he was five-years older than me yet as children we were as close as twins. David always played with me, taught me how to defend myself and how to eat like him. Our guests who always came to visit mistook us for twins. Couldn't blame them, we had the same eyes, same smile, same color of hair and even the same nose. Like that special bond between twins, David always knew when something bothered me, that hasn't changed after six hundred years.

    Once I was done going down memory lane, I looked up and realized that James had join the table and David was still looking at me. I sighed and reluctantly answered "I had a dream, more like recalling a memory actually" I could actually feel my brother's eyes furrow at my answer. "A memory of...?" James inquired "The day our lives fell apart" I snapped, my brothers went silent after that.

            That day six hundred years ago was the day James, David and I lost everything; our entire family was killed in that fire. We would have died too if it wasn't for the decision I made then. That man put a tree seed inside the three of us, I laughed mentally and thought snidely 'He forgot to mention the side-effects'

             My brothers and I received unimaginable powers after those tree seeds were put into our bodies. I was able to see the past, control water, and talk to those who were dead. David, saw the present, everything that was happening now he saw it all, he could start and manipulate fire and control people. James he saw the future things that could happen, controlled air, creatures of nature, compel people, read their minds; and he could move things with his mind.

  I hear James sigh and we turn our heads to look at him. His eyes were closed and he was pinching the bridge of his nose, I knew he was seeing a vision. He opened his eyes and like always they were glowing purple. This always happens our eyes changes color when we go into vision-mode. David's eyes changed and glowed topaz, mine into azure like the sky, and James eyes changes into amethyst jewels. Another wonderful side-effect of our powers.

"What is it James?" David asked "what do you see?" "I see... a river, street signs...and Renée". I was startled and I didn't have to look at David to know that he was too; we were rarely seen in James's vision. Even if we were it was short and fleeting that we quickly forgot about them. James suddenly launches himself from his seat and starts sweating and I look into his eyes and saw...fear. I stood up quickly and placed my hands into James's hand, they were warm and clammy. I asked hastily "What's wrong James? What are you seeing?" "I see you fighting with someone, in New Orleans... It's Isaac!!!" he screamed and dropped down to his knees.

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