A day on the beach

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Arianna struggled to fall asleep but eventually drifted off. As morning arrived, sunlight streamed through her window. Arianna rolled over to her right side to avoid the sun getting in her eyes, but Arianna's room had two windows so the sun was coming in both ways, "god damnit sun." She muttered to herself. Arianna got out of bed and stretched, then peeked her head out into the hallway and saw the master bedroom door opened halfway, she tiptoed across the hall and into the master bedroom, she poked her head in and saw Brady who looked shirtless, she really couldn't tell though, because the covers were over his stomach but not his shoulders and arms. To Arianna's surprise, Mack wasn't sleeping next to him. Arianna quietly walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs, she looked in the living room, but Mack wasn't there, She gazed out on the balcony and spotted Mack standing there, looking at the sunrise. Arianna quietly opened the sliding door and stood beside Mack, who was taken aback when she turned around. "Oh, hi Arianna, sorry you startled me," Mack said with a small laugh. Arianna smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry about that," she said, rubbing her neck. Mack smiled and gazed back at the sunrise.
Arianna wanted to ask Mack about last night but wondered if it was too soon. "Mack, is there a reason why you were crying last night?" Arianna asked. Mack pondered last night's events. "Oh, that... I was just upset about something. You don't have to worry about it, though," Mack said, trying to sound like nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Arianna was still doubtful and asked Mack again, "Are you sure there isn't anything you want to tell me?" Mack nodded and replied, "If there were something I wanted to share with you, I would come to you first." Arianna realized she was pushing too much and stopped before it became a bigger issue. "Alright, I believe you." Arianna lied to avoid worsening the situation. The sound of waves crashing on the shore, filled the awkward silence, Arianna stood up and headed for the door, "I'm going inside to get some breakfast, you coming?" Arianna asked. Mack nodded, "yeah, I'm coming." She said walking inside with Arianna. As soon as the girls stepped inside, they were welcomed by the delicious aroma of breakfast being made by Brady in the kitchen. With a warm smile, he greeted them and said, "Hey girls, I made pancakes for breakfast," Brady said, passing out two plates of pancakes and then making a plate for himself. As they were eating, Arianna saw the weather outside and got an idea. "Why don't we spend the day at the beach again? We could go surfing and have a barbecue. The possibilities are endless!" Arianna implied, Mack and Brady looked at each other and smiled. "That's a great idea, Ari," Brady poured syrup on his pancakes as Mack smiled, putting her plate in the sink. "I heard there might be big waves today," she said. Arianna's face lit up.
"Awesome! We'll be shredding those waves in no time!" Arianna said in excitement. "Okay, Ari, let's finish eating and digest our food before we hit the beach," Brady chuckled. After breakfast, Arianna went to her room and decided to write in her journal some more. 'On day 2 of living in Waikiki, I'm having a blast living on the beach with my big brother and his girlfriend, they taught me how to surf, wax my board, and many other things! Also, I think that Mack might be or was pregnant, I'm not sure though, the reason I think that is because before I went to bed, I heard her crying in the bathroom. So I peeked in and saw Mack crying beside the sink and Brady trying to calm her down. I also heard her say that maybe we're not meant to be parents, so my question is, was Mack pregnant to begin with, or something else? I don't know.' Arianna closed her journal and set it on her nightstand. A sudden knock on the door interrupted Arianna's thoughts. "Come in!" she called out. Brady walked into the room, and asked, "Hey Ari, are you doing okay?" Arianna nodded, "Yes, I'm doing just fine. I do have a question to ask you about last night, though." she implied, "Sure, go ahead," Brady said while sitting next to Arianna on her bed.
Did you know if Mack was pregnant?" Arianna asked directly. Brady looked momentarily confused and replied, "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?" Arianna hesitated briefly before answering, "Last night before I went to bed, I overheard Mack saying something like maybe we weren't meant to be parents." Brady's eyes widened in shock. He didn't know that Arianna had overheard their conversation the previous night. "Okay, I'll tell you. Mack was pregnant when you guys met. Last night, she kept complaining that her stomach was hurting and that she was having cramps." Brady explained to Arianna, "After a minute or two, she screamed for me to come upstairs into the bathroom. Once I got up there, I saw her with blood in the toilet and on her pants and underwear. That's when I knew that she had a miscarriage." Arianna knew something was wrong last night. "I'm sorry about that, Brady. Why didn't you tell me? I would've helped out." Arianna inquired. Brady sighed again, "Well, by the time we found out, she was already six weeks pregnant, so it wouldn't have made much of a difference.
Brady clarified. Arianna nodded and hugged her brother. "I'm sorry that you lost the baby," Arianna said trying to comfort her brother. "Thanks, Ari," Brady said ruffling her blonde hair. Just then, Mack knocked on the side of the bedroom door. "Hey guys, everything ok?" she asked, Brady stood up from Arianna's bed and walked towards her. "Yeah babe, we're okay, just telling Arianna what happened last night, if that's okay with you," said Brady embracing his girlfriend. Mack smiled and kissed Brady, "I don't mind, but I thought we were going to hit the beach once we finished breakfast." Arianna nodded and got up from her bed. "Oh yeah, I guess we got so caught up in talking that we forgot," said Arianna chuckling. Brady and Mack left Arianna to get changed into her bathing suit. Once she got changed, she went outside where Mack and Brady were waiting for her, she grabbed her surfboard from the side of the house. "Let's go surfing!" Arianna exclaimed running towards the ocean, "Hey wait for us!" Brady shouted as he and Mack followed behind her.
A few hours later, it had become dawn and Mack, Brady, and Arianna were still in the water. The waves had died down, making it hard for them to surf. Arianna paddled over to Brady and Mack and sighed happily. "Another greatest day of my life." She said smiling. Brady chuckled, "Well, I am glad I could make more of your dreams come true, Ari." he said. Mack smiled, she enjoyed seeing Brady happy, even if he and Mack had just lost their baby, all she could think about right now was Brady being happy, just then, Mack got an idea. "Hey Arianna, maybe tomorrow afternoon we could go shopping, you know, have a little girl time to get to know each other." Arianna's face lit up with a smile, "I'd love that Mack! I think it's the perfect thing we need to get to know each other." Arianna replied with a smile. Mack yawned and looked at Brady and Arianna, "I think I'm going to head in, it's getting late."
Mack said paddling to the shore. Brady and Arianna smiled, "we'll catch up in a few minutes," Arianna said. Brady smiled at Arianna, but his smile quickly faded. Arianna noticed the change in his expression and asked if he was okay. Brady sighed and said, "I'm fine, but I was looking forward to becoming a dad. Mack and I have been dreaming of this for a long time. Maybe she's right, maybe we're not meant to be parents." Arianna's heart sank at the thought of her brother feeling so defeated after losing his baby. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder and said, "Brady, I know how much you and Mack wanted this. You've always talked about it since the first time you held me as a baby. Don't give up hope. I truly believe that you and Mack will have another baby and regain the life you once lost." Brady managed a small smile and thanked Arianna. Arianna smiled back and said, "Besides, I've always wanted to be an aunt." Brady playfully splashed water on Arianna, making her pretend to sound hurt. "You crack me up, Ari," Brady chuckled before yawning. "I think I'm going to head in for the night. Are you coming, Ari?" Arianna nodded, still feeling hopeful for her brother and his dreams of becoming a dad. Arianna paddled to shore, got off her board, dried herself off then went inside. After entering the house, she ascended the stairs and made her way to her room. Inside her cozy abode, she reached for a comfortable pair of pajamas and headed towards the bathroom. As she entered the shower, the gentle sound of running water enveloped her, providing a soothing and refreshing sensation. The warm droplets washed away the remnants of the salty sea breeze, leaving her feeling rejuvenated and invigorated. After the shower, she changed into her comfortable PJs and styled her hair before heading downstairs. As she descended the stairs, she noticed Mack and Brady snuggled up together on the couch, enjoying each other's company while watching TV. After a while, she went back to her room and decided to do something productive before hitting the hay. Brushing her teeth before sounded like a good idea. After feeling a bit restless, she walked towards the bathroom with a determined look on her face. She grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste from the cabinet and began to brush her teeth with a sense of purpose. The minty freshness of the toothpaste filled her mouth, and she felt a sense of satisfaction. As she finished brushing, she couldn't help but smile at her reflection in the mirror. Feeling energized, she made her way back to her room to tackle the remaining unpacking with renewed vigor. She carefully took out her clothes and arranged them neatly in the closet, making sure everything was in order. With each completed task, she felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Arianna glanced at her phone and saw that it was 10:15. As she lay in bed, she couldn't help but feel the excitement building up inside her. "I can't wait for tomorrow's adventure!" she thought but quickly realized that she needed to get a good night's sleep to make the most of the day ahead. With a determined mindset, she decided to call it a night and drifted off into a peaceful slumber, feeling energized and ready to conquer whatever lay ahead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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Teen beach! Mack x Brady (OC included)Where stories live. Discover now