9 | Mixed Signals

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A True Look Of Love, nine.
❝ Mixed Signals. ❞

The first bell rings, sending shivers down Akiras spins. Jungwon glares at Minji, his wrist tightening around Akiras wrist. She lets out a little grunt.


He doesn't respond, just dragging her toward their class.


No response once again, she mentally rolls her eyes slightly.

"Jungwon!" She yells a little louder, just enough for him to snap back to reality and let go of her wrist. He looks at her really quick, a guilty expression forming on his face.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying atten–"

"What is wrong with you!?–" she stops herself before shaking her head. "I mean not like that, but you're acting really weird."

His glare softened a little before just shoving his stuff in his locker, "nothing's wrong."

"You know damn well. Don't play with me, tell me what's wrong right now."

"You're not my mother." He answers, Akiras glare just hardens. She can feel her heart hurt a little but she just shakes that off.

"I know that."

"Then why are you acting like my mom?"

She lets out a little scoff, taking out her books. "Real mature–" a sense of realization washes over her and she lets out a little gasp.

"It's because of Minji, isn't it?"

His face immediately darkens as he stops fixing her locker, he locks his gaze on to Akira. His hand gripping onto his book harder.

"It isn't," he answers, clenching his jaw.

"I can see you lying through your damn teeth," His hands drop to his side, a slight frown plastered on his lips.

"And what if it is? Why the hell do you care?" Akira can feel herself burn up, oh he did not.

"It's my fucking business because your taking out you anger out on me. Stop being a jerk and man up." She hisses, getting slightly irritated at him. He finally lets out a little sigh.

He can feel the regret build up in him, a little frown appears on his lip. Mentally cursing himself out for getting mad at the only friend he actually likes being around.


"Forget it." She answers, gritting her teeth she just grabs her textbook and then her feet just started to move on her own. The fear washing out of her, something weird happens when she gets mad... Especially when it comes up to him.

His face drops in regret, be quickly jogs over to him, grabbing her wrist, he pulls her back.

"Kira, hear me out–"

"And what if I don't want to? There's nothing to explain anyway. I get it." She snaps, ripping her wrist out of his grip. His eyes narrow. It was his first time seeing her so feisty and bold.

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