Chapter 12: personal

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Y/n pov

Ahhhhh the smell of the desert, and being surrounded by the sun. I miss this feeling so bad. I'm glad I came back just for a while I just needed a breather it was just so much going on. I needed to take some time to myself.

First Wriothesley and Neuvillette likes me and I like both of them I just don't want to hurt them both when I go back I need to tell them I don't date keep it simple.

"Hey are you coming" cyno yelled

Ugh sometimes I wish I never came walking with him it's so hot I feel like I'm dying like my heart is beating really fast, and I am sweating buckets. I'm ready to go home

As I was lacking behind , I heard "may judgment Lay upon your soul"
I looked up fast I love when cyno uses his vision I hurried up and ran over there when I got there it was already over and Candace was here to.

" you shouldve been more gentle" Candace said

" why there criminals"

I ran over and hug Candace I haven't seen her ever since I came here.

" I didn't know you was back" Candace said

Oh I came back yesterday

" keep moving" cyno yelled

" so where are we going" Candace asked.

We are going into the sand it's a quest from the avengers guild that cyno got.

" mmmmm well I should go home then I don't want to be in the way"

"No wait Candace we need a healer and I don't have a vision" y/n yelled

Candace turned around and walked back to the group

"Ok I'll stay"

Cyno rolled his eyes and kept walking

—————————2 hours later————————

We finally came out of the pyramid, Candace was injured on her arm but I think she'll be ok. Cyno has the most cuts I ran over to him and gave him a recovery potion.

"I'm sorry I was no help"

" well, to be honest, nobody invited you" cyno said

" I know nobody invited me I just wanted to have an adventure"

" well me and Candace protected you the whole time. This would've went a lot faster if you was never here"cyno yelled

I know but...... I just wanted....... I was cut off

" you just wanted it.....ugh well who cares let's walk back to town" cyno said

The walk back to Sumeru city was very quiet

I am really just a burden I wish I had a vision of some sort or fighting capabilities to help but I'm just a useless girl in a world full of people visions.

Vision: Wriothesley x reader x neuvillette Where stories live. Discover now