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enna sat in front of her camera, the soft glow of her ring light illuminating her face as she prepared to address her viewers. with a sigh, she began to speak, her voice tinged with equal parts annoyance and amusement as she started her live.

"hey, aloupeeps. it's me again, today we're just going to habe a chat and some other stuff since i was away cause you... retail" she started, her tone dry and sardonic.

"oh shit, now i gotta tell you guys about an event that happend while i was working offline, like lowkey this was funny and most annoying thing that has ever happend im my life."

leaning back in her chair, she launched into the story of the creep incident, her frustration palpable as she recounted the encounter.

"so, picture this," she began, her voice gesturing wildly because of annoyance.

"i'm just minding my own business, doing my job, when a man walks in.... let's call him mr. i have no bitches, so yeah lowkey he was kind of hiting on me and was tying to charm his way into getting my number."

her eyes rolled dramatically as she continued, her sarcasm practically dripping through the screen.

"because, you know, asking out a busy woman while she's working is always a winning move," she quipped, a sarcastic smile playing at the corners of her lips.

as she regaled her viewers with the details of mr. no bitches clumsy attempt at flirtation, enna couldn't help but revel in the absurdity of it all, her annoyance tempered by a healthy dose of amusement.

"and get this," she exclaimed, her voice rising in mock disbelief.

"he actually thought he stood a chance!" she laughed.

"i mean, come on, buddy, this isn't some rom-com where the woman falls for the first guy who asks for her number just because she thinks he's handsome, that's not how it works idiot. that's harrasment."

with a shake of her head, she concluded her tale with a flourish, her signature blend of wit and sarcasm leaving her viewers in stitches.

"so, there you have it, aloupeeps. not gonna lie i had fun talking to you guys and i wish i can tell you more. but im tired and i have to do more offline work tommorow, see you guys on the next stream! otsuenna! "

she declared, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

with a final wave to the camera, enna ended the her live a satisfied grin spreading across her face.

little did she know, her humorous retelling of the mr. i have no bitches incident would soon become the talk of X, igniting a flurry of speculation and gossip that would ripple through the digital ether for days to come her fans wanted more stories about him...

and wanted to know him more the next time he came again, they hope that it will happen again as it has already became a meme on enna's platform.


in the quiet solitude of his studio, lee sat before his canvas, lost in a world of colors and emotions. his brush danced across the surface, each stroke a reflection of the thoughts swirling in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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