Chapter 1. The New Member pt.1

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Another day. Another day in hell.

Cupid came out of a portal when she was in another ring hanging out with 2 of her best friends Peachie and Beezlub

With a smile on her face, she proceeded to walk out the alley way she came out of

Cupid walking down the streets of hell with a big smile on her face

"Heh. Peachie and Beezlub knows how to make me smile big. My cheeks hurt haha" Cupid saying to herself walking down the streets

As Cupid started walking, hearts around her started showing up, sinners around the area instantly started to stare a lot

Cupid, the overlord of love. Walking all alone, with no one by her side. Everyday in hell sinners or imps try to get to her but they remembered that Cupid is Zestial's daughter, all they do is..stare

Cupid is the daughter of Zestial and she's in charge of the love, think of it as a mini Asmodeus but with a twist.

Not only she can use her power to control more than others, if a person that she can make fall in love and if they hurt her, she can crush their heart. Literally. With her hand.

She didn't do it to 2 people though..Vox and Lute

Vox was Cupids first boyfriend. She thought Vox really liked her but she ended up being controlled by his power and wanted to use her as her little toy

Velvette happened to know of what Vox was doing to Cupid but she never said anything about it, she ended up cutting ties with Vox and Velvette

Lute was Cupids First girlfriend, she met Cupid during the Extermination. Lute brought Cupid beautiful and attractive, like she was from heaven 👀

But it didn't last long due to things "being perfect land acceptable" to heaven, Cupid ended things with Lute when she almost killed Zestial during the Extermination along with her friends

You'd think that she's done and never gonna go near those two EVER again, but her luck was about to end

"Phew! I'm beat. I wanna go to Cannibal town" Cupid says with a smile but gets a call

"Hm?" Grabbing her phone she sees a Velvette picture on her phone

Sighing of annoyance she answers the call "I thought I blocked you. What do you want?"

"Cupid Honey! Long time no talk! How are you?" Velvette says with a cheerful tone

"Cut the sh*t you ponytailed clown, the f*ck do you want?" Cupid says angry with annoyance

"Ughhh I wanted to give you a little gift. Aren't you interested?" Velvette says smirking

"Why would I want a gift from the least fashionable person here in hell that ALSO betrayed me?" Cupid says looking at the phone

"Least Fashionable!? How dare you! You infection pink itch!" Velvettte shouted with anger

Cupid rolls her eyes "what seriously do you want? Im going to hang up and block this number again" she says about to block the number

"Ugh! Those old hags little shits Odette and Chloe brought a package from MY place. Get here and give it to them got it!?" Velvette says on the phone

Cupid groans as she hangs up on Velvette "not surprised Vox would use his power to get my phone but now, I'm forced to get this package. At least it's for Odette and Chloe"

Cupid saying to herself groaning beginning to walk again "Ugh. Now I'll bump into him.."

~At the Vees~

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