The Spring-Lock Failure

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The date was November 1st 1987 The Jester was up bright and early today very for Afton's plans letting everyone wake at their own pace, Jester was preparing a couple of things one of them being repairing himself since it had been damaged from the fight against Mangle.

The others were waking up first Marionette then Puppeteer then Cassidy

"What time is it, Jester" Cassidy Questioned

"It's around 9:00 am, why what's up" Jester responded

"Just wondering how long you've been working that's all" Cassidy said.

Today's the day we put a stop to Afton ending his insane wrath of pain and slaughter by fixing the problems he's caused, once Jester has repaired everyone's equipment he sets on his own little adventure slowly opening the not-so-secret storage room into parts and service with the weathered animatronic laying there some upright some laying on the floor, slowing making his way through the pizzeria as one final exploration collecting The Clowns making sure his creations weren't damaged.

The Jester had now collected all The Clowns, now the hard part rigging Afton's suit to spring-lock gradually making his way to Afton's hideout once The Jester Reached the door Afton was there standing there staring at The Jester right in its soul

"You've finally found me Atom" Afton stated.

The Jester was shocked at the thought of Afton knowing his own human name

Replied, "I'm here to stop you Afton, and put an end to your plans".

With all The Clowns slowly appearing on The Jester's Body as a swarm of bees, The Watcher and Puppeteer appear behind The Jester like family

"My plans are already completed Atom you too late..." Afton replied now with a giant smile on his face.

A little boy looked around the same age as Cassidy and appeared he had created life.

"He's alive!?" All of them said shocked at the sight of a walking human a cyborg if you will half the face being robotic mixed with parts.

The Jester spotted something out the corner of his eye, Cassidy and Marie slowly making their way to The Spring Bonnie suit and messing with its spring locks, The Jester was proud of his "daughter".

"You think you've won Afton The story's just getting started" Jester spoke with a creepy giggle following.

Slowly starting to close in on Afton and his son, Cassidy crept up behind his son and slashed... the son's head lying on the floor sparks flying everywhere.

Cassidy had used the knife once more to end his entire plan now it was The Jester's turn signalling to The Clowns to block Aftons escape,

"Listen here Atom I'll come back," Afton said in his last works

The Jester gradually got closer and playing his creepy music box could feel Afton's fear raging in his soul.

The Jester leans down to look Afton in the face

"I'll show you why they call me The Killer Clown..."  

The Jester's mask slowly began to separate showing His human skeleton withered with flesh still intact in some parts mixed in with the endoskeleton,

"You'll look just like me soon Afton... DEAD!" The jester said letting out a horrific laugh.

Shoving Afton into the Spring-Lock suit the suit Sprung shut and ripped into Afton's flesh fusing him into the suit.

Afton screamed in pain "I'LL COME BACK ATOM, I ALWAYS COME BACK!".

The Marionette shutting Afton inside the suit with no escape he was for sure gone right?...

The Jester could see Golden Freddy watching from a distance, staring at the show going on in front of him this wasn't the end... Just the beginning of a new horror. A Judgement of a Jester.

A Jester's Judgment Where stories live. Discover now