Chapter 1: escape

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Unicorn horn's POV:

I am absolutely SICK and tired of this stupid white room. I can't believe I've stayed here for 3 FUCKING YEARS. Every night I have to wear a fucking straitjacket and all the stupid chains on it feel so uncomfortable whenever I sleep. When I get to take it off I end up with stupid bruises all over my body. I'm sick of it.

I need to get out of here, but I don't have a chance. Not with this ridiculous garment on me. You know what, I don't care anymore. I'm just going to go to sleep and hopefully ignore the fact that I'm wearing this stupid clothing.

[time skip 5 minutes later]

I wake up from my extremely short nap by this sort of high pitched voice...

"Wake up patient 69! It's time for breakfast now!" They said cheerfully.

I quietly groaned as I lazily woke up to see that one of the assistants was standing in front of me, waiting for me to get up.

"Oh come on... can't I sleep for at least 5 more minutes... or an hour..?!" I exclaimed in a grumpy tone

"Come on, you wouldn't want your pancakes to get cold, would ya?" She asked quietly.

"Ugghhh fine... I'll go eat now.." I said as I lazily walked up to the assistant, waiting for her to take off my stupid straitjacket.

She gently pulled me closer to remove the chains from my straitjacket and took the dumb cloth off me. Wow, it feels good to be able to move my arms again..

I was then taken to the table to eat. I was alone of course, the patients were separated because the workers were scared of fights happening inside of the hospital.

I sat down, with the assistant creepily staring at me... a stare that... wasn't normal...

Maybe I was going crazy, that's why I'm here... right..?

I tried ignoring the creepy stare and just ate my pancakes as if nothing happened, and was taken back to the room.

"Ugh.. I really need to plan an escape sooner or later... I'm so sick of this place. And the assistant was being creepy towards me.. not sure on how to feel about that. But how will I leave if they watch me 24/7..?" I thought to myself as an idea popped in my head.

"WAIT. THE WINDOWS. THEY'RE EASILY BROKEN." I said as I quietly jumped with joy and literally started crying. I just can't wait to get out of here.

I must say, I am a pretty strong guy myself... I'm pretty sure I can smash this window... the problem is there is this metal sort of mesh covering it... I need to break it apart first.

I immediately started headbutting the window, in an attempt to break it. However, this isn't as easy as I thought it'd be... as the metal really damaged me badly..

I started getting cracks on my head and next thing you know it, I was standing there. Breathing heavily. I was exhausted.

"U-ugh... t-this is t-too difficult.." I groaned angrily.

[timeskip 1 hour]

holy fucking hell. I don't think that I'm getting out of here anytime soon.. this stupid mesh is just way too hard for me to break through. Although I've managed to damage it quite a bit, it'll be pretty difficult to go through...

*WACK!* went my head, as I headbutted the stupid metal once more. This time, I've managed to completely destroy it. All I needed to do was just squeeze through that sharp ass metal..

"P-phew... t-that took... a... a while..." I said quietly, as I was trying to desperately breathe after all of this work.

I then hear an echoed voice coming from the other side of this room...

"Leaving so soon?"

I froze in shock as I slowly turned around to reveal that the nurse from earlier was standing there, with a disappointed expression on her face as she saw me trying to escape through the window.

This was going to be difficult, considering the fact I'm on the second floor of this building and that I could break my bones when I jump out.

It happened so fast. Literally 2 seconds after, I was seen holding onto the window frame. I then felt a warm feeling on my left hand...

It was the nurse, she was trying to make sure that I didn't die.

"YOU IDIOT! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE!" She shouted worriedly.

"JUST SHUT UP AND LET GO OF ME!" I shouted back at her, which seemed to make her cry. Maybe I wasn't the only patient that tried to kill themselves in front of her.

It went by way too quickly, I had let go of her hand and had fallen down to the ground. Luckily, I hadn't broken any limbs. Everything just hurt really badly though.

"Owww..." I moaned as I landed hard on the grassy floor.

I stood in absolute silence as I noticed that I was finally out of that hell. Grass covered the floors rather than boring plain white tiles that were stained with dark red blood.

"I....I....I...." I stuttered as I started breaking down into tears

"I'M FREE!!!" I shouted happily


"I can..... rejoin excellent entities...." I whispered deviously.

(Sorry this is short!!! I'm not the best at writing longer chapters atm!!!)

(See yall in chapter 2 :P)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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