Eyeless Jack !

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Second, a fairly known pasta.

Name ; Jack Alise Nicholas
Age ; 24 or 28

Backstory Ver.

Medical student at the age of 23, had been a medical student for about a year.

One day on collage campus, picking up food met a female 'Ashley' they became great friends (/sarc) jack was more of an, outcast per say, a nerd. Straight A's, why would a popular girl ask him to hang out?

Doesn't matter, they did. Around in the woods, until they met up with a group of others. A large group. 10-25 peoples, dropping his bag off food in the mud. They all had these, some wooden some porcelain masks. All white.

He ran, notnlong after they caught him, 3 people held him down, they chanted 'let charabog win' as they stabbed him, over and over. They spooned out his eyes and poured tar to them.

Within a second jack was up, he was angry. He was enraged. He attacked.

It took nearly an hour to devour all 25 persons, nearly 5 minutes just to kill them.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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