Short extra: 5

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"Papa, where is Dada? Not here?" Sol asked his father as they walked through the arena's lobby, Chay holding his son's hand.

"We will see dada later, sunshine." He assured his son.

Today marks WIK's 10 years in the entertainment industry and what is the best way to celebrate it but to be with your fans, right? WIK's 10th year anniversary concert will be attended by almost 20 thousand fans, including his family.

Chay and Sol are escorted by WIK's bodyguards, one of them holding a bouquet of white roses- probably from Chay and to be given to his boyfriend.

Once they pass through the entrance they are welcomed by thousands of WIK fans, roaming around the lobby, meeting friends, sharing memorabilia, and taking pictures on a WIK wall.

And the moment they saw Chay walking with Sol they all shrieked, some greeting them and waving at Sol, there are even ones who are giving them fan made merchandise- which of course Chay accepted being a WIK fan himself. One of the bodyguards tried stopping a fan by handing Chay a fan made fan with WIK's face on it. Chay immediately moved the bodyguard's arm away and reached for the fan while pouting- his brows creased.

They successfully reached inside and loud beaming screams filled the arena when they saw Porchay walk on the left side of the floor area- going towards the back stage. Another set of screams happened when Sol waves while smiling toothingly, Chay on the other hand chuckled with what his son did.

Few moments later WIK's concert started.

He sang 3 of his oldest songs as his opening, after that he talked for a bit, thanking his fans for supporting him for the past 10 years.

He then sang his much newer songs, that include a pop dance song to which he happily dances to.

For his 2nd ment, he started with...

"Earlier, I heard you guys scream but the concert isn't starting yet." He's got this accusing look in his face while looking around the floor area "You screamed louder for Porchay and Sol than me now, huh?" He said, looking like he's sulking which earned multiple chuckles from his fans.

He continued on with singing some of his most loved songs, those who made his name known.

Half way through the concert when he's giving his 3rd ment, he saw where his family is seated.

"Hey! There are the Theerapanyakuls!" He excitedly exclaimed while walking towards the stage infront of his family. He waved and smiles widely at them and then...

"Sawadee, Teerak!" He mischievously said with a smirk on his face while looking at Porchay.

Chay on the other hand looked puzzled. Why is everyone looking at him, fans and their family members are chuckling while their eyes are on him? "What?" He mumbled to himself.

Macau then softly elbowed him to get his attention and then said "That's you!"

"But P'Kim never called me Teerak before."

"Yea? Tell me about it." Macau rolled his eyes with how innocent Chay's expression looks like right now. "But you told him one of P'Kinn's jokes the other day." Macau said.

Chay blinked a few times and then widen his eyes after remembering the joke he told to Kim after hearing it from Kinn. "Oh!" He mumbled.

"Yea, Oh!" Macau mocked.

But Chay ignored him and turn his attention back to Kim who is now walking around the stage, interacting with some fans.

Kim finished his concert singing Luster "I would like you ask every one of you to give a big round of applause for Porchay for helping me with the lyrics, and our son, Sol for contributing with the music of the song." To which his fans gladly oblige.

He saw Chay mouthed him a 'thank you' and Sol waving his hand holding the WIK light stick with the mention of his name.

Kim bowed to every corner of the stage and wave good bye, ending his much awaited concert.

Once backstage, Chay run towards Kim nudging Macau away. Chay jumps on Kim, wrapping his arms around the older's neck and his legs around Kim's waist.

"I'm proud of you! You did so great on the stage P'Kim." Chay mumbles as he buried his face on Kim neck.

"Thank you, Angel." Kim responded, he placed his hand on Chay's waist for support while walking towards where the rest of his family is.

When Chay let go of him, not even a minute later, it was Sol throwing himself to his Dada. "Dada! Look flowers!" He exclaimed while pointing at the bouquet of white roses that is safely placed on his chair. "Papa said it's for Dada" Sol added.

He looked back to Chay and asked "That's for me?"

Chay nodded, he walked to where the flowers are and grabbed it. He then walks back to Kim, handing the white roses to his boyfriend. "Congratulations on your concert, Love."

It was Kim's time to launch himself to Chay, wrapping both his arms tightly around his boyfriend's waist and spun them around, their family, and his staffs watching them with delight in their eyes. After twirling around, he put Porchay down and cupped on his cheeks. He smiled at Chay before diving in for a kiss.

"I love you so damn much, Porchay!"

"I love you, P'Kim."

After their exchange of I love yous, Kim felt his pants being tugged, he glanced down and saw their son. Sol is tugging on his father's pants while looking up at him with his bambi eyes.

"Dada, Sol too!" The kid said almost sounding like he's sulking and with a hint of jealousy.

"You want to spin like papa too?"

"Uhm..." Sol eagerly nodded to Kim.

And so Kim did, he left a chase kiss at the corner of Chay's lips before carrying their son. His hands on Sol's underarms supporting the kid's weight as he starts spinning around, earning him loud nonstop laughs from his son.

They both twirl around for a few minutes and only stopped when Sol said "No, no more, Dada!"

Kim and Chay, together with their family and staffs are laughing at how Sol is walking in zigzag while frowning, and looking for a place to sit on- until he decided to just flop on the floor.

"Papaaaa! Dada is bad!" Sol blurted out while holding his head trying to stop the spinning.

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