chapter 9

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Author POV

the day of yn's birthday

After seeing yn.. namjoon's sexy brain occupied with yn's he come back to Busan and tried to find yn....that time he don't know about her..not even her name....

Namjoon have one friend so he decided to take his help...


Namjoon - hi... are you?

Jackson - I'm fine about you?

Namjoon - I'm fine too... actually i want your help.. actually..i fi---

Jackson - come here after long time... let's meet.... today is my friend's birthday why not you also come there? It will be fun.

Namjoon - but --

Jackson - no but... I'm sending you adress just come there..see you.. hyung.

Then he cut the call..

When namjoon reached there.... Jackson was about to take juice for yn... drugged one but poor namjoon took it from Jackson and drink it.

Jackson - that was not for you hyung.

Namjoon - sorry but I was Thirsty .

Then Jackson took another glass for yn

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Then Jackson took another glass for yn....on the other hand, drug effect namjoon mind....he was imagining yn everywhere....he was feeling hot he walk to Washroom.... when he come back? He saw yn in Jackson arms... namjoon vision is blurry but he started following them...


Jackson put yn in bed...and tore her dress.. actually Jackson don't plan to do something bad with yn..he just wanted to create scenario that yn think that something happened last night..... Jackson leave the room after creating that scenario....and same time namjoon enter who was not in proper sence....

Namjoon - my dream girl..

He saw yn..yn also look at him with half open eyes... drugged effected their mind and both lost in that night..... without knowing what will upcoming future hold for them.


Next morning

Namjoon wake up with huge headache..he sit straight while holding his head.... When he come to sence...panic rushed to his body when he saw girl sleeping next to him naked..

panic rushed to his body when he saw girl sleeping next to him naked

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