Chapter One

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That goddamn smile

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That goddamn smile.

Her lips spread into a devilish grin and it does something to me.

"Are you coming back to bed, or are you just going to stare at me all day?" she asks, her fingers twirling her bright blond hair as she lies there in bed, with just the sheets loosely draped over her. Her eyes, heavy-lidded, fixated on me. "You sure do like to stare, cowboy."

I do like staring. I'm trying to etch this moment into the recesses of my mind, burn it into the back of my brain, and save it for a rainy day.

She lies there with the morning sun peeking through the blinds, casting golden hues on her sun-kissed skin. All of this, Ellie, the last two days since meeting her, it all feels too good to be true.

I scratch the side of my scruff, the edge of my lips tugging up on one side. With a deep breath, I push off the dresser I'm leaning against and take a step toward her bed. I had just put my jeans back on to head back to my hotel, but as I was buttoning them, I immediately started second-guessing my decision to leave.

"I like staring," my voice still husky from sleep. My knee hits the edge of the mattress, the other finding its place between her legs as I carefully climb over her, my hands bracing myself on the sides of her petite frame.

She moves her fingers from twirling her hair to delicately tracing their way down my chest, reaching the waistline of my jeans. She pauses, brushing her fingers back and forth, locking eyes with me. Her gaze is soft and bright with those light hazel eyes—warm brown at the center, the most mesmerizing baby blue at the edges, with dark specks scattered throughout.

"I can see that," she whispers, her voice like honey, gently unbuttoning my jeans. She says it like she knew from the start that I would never leave. "But, I like you touching me more," she adds.

Softly pressing my lips where the sheet just barely covers her breasts, she arches into me as I slowly trail downward, bringing the sheets along with me. "How am I supposed to leave you here like this?" I hum against her.

"You're not—" Her breath catches as my tongue darts out to taste her. Goddamnit, even her skin tastes like honey. "You're not supposed to."

There's a sharp kick to my shin and I'm jolted out of my reverie.

"Rhett, will you pay attention? This is important."

I lift my gaze from the stack of papers on the desk I was staring at, attempting to refocus on Della, my sister, only to be unexpectedly struck in the face with one of those stress balls you always find on someone's desk, courtesy of either my brother or brother-in-law.

My sister glares at me, and I shift in my seat, crossing my arms in response.

"I am listening," I grunt out.

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